
  • 网络Downgrade
  1. 在标普下调评级之后,意大利雇主协会Confindustria持有的财经报刊IlSole-24Ore说,贝卢斯科尼是时候下台了。

    After S & P 's downgrade Il Sole-24 Ore , a business newspaper owned by Confindustria , the bosses'federation , said it was time for Mr Berlusconi to go .

  2. 不过,在惠誉下调评级以后,跌幅有所收窄。

    However , some of the gains faded after the Fitch downgrade .

  3. 就像它们在最后一刻下调评级把安然(enron)钉死在了棺材里一样,这次可能也意味着末日降临至少是对花旗而言。

    Just as their last-minute downgrades of Enron nailed its coffin , these also might be the end , at least for Citigroup .

  4. 惠誉表示,如果在如何填补260亿美元预算缺口的问题上,议员和州长阿诺施瓦辛格(ArnoldSchwarzenegger)无法打破僵局,那么惠誉可能会进一步下调评级。

    Further downgrades are possible , Fitch said , if legislators and Arnold Schwarzenegger , governor , do not end a stalemate over how to close a $ 26bn budget gap .

  5. 评级机构下调评级通常只是对大部分投资者已知晓情况的确认。

    Rating agency downgrades often confirm what most investors already know .

  6. 诚然,上一次下调评级之后,并未发生什么大事。

    Admittedly , after the last downgrade nothing much happened .

  7. 但在协议最终达成之前,可能还需要更多下调评级的举措。

    But further downgrades may be needed before a deal is finally struck .

  8. 但在英国这件事上,下调评级只不过是追赶最近的市场动向。

    But in this case , the downgrade simply catches up with recent market movements .

  9. 该评级机构维持其负面前景不变,表明还有可能进一步下调评级。

    The agency left in place its negative outlook , signalling further downgrades are possible .

  10. 本文首先把样本分为上调和下调评级两组。

    This paper firstly divided the samples into two groups , up-regulated rating and down-regulated rating .

  11. 对于下调评级,市场对低关注度股票反应不足,因此,才会产生股价漂移现象。

    TO the downgrading , market response to low attention stock is insufficient , which lead to price drift phenomenon .

  12. 自从今春希腊债务危机爆发以来,这是首次对一家财政状况相对较好的欧洲经济体发出下调评级警告。

    It is the first downgrade warning for one of the stronger European economies since the Greek debt crisis flared up this spring .

  13. 同样,英国各银行之所以“有可能被下调评级”,主要原因在于,如果没有纳税人的支持,它们就可能会解体。

    Again , the main reason why UK banks risk " potential downgrade " is that they might be resolved without taxpayer support .

  14. 分别研究不同评级方向下不同关注度股票的市场反应,即上调评级对不同关注度股票的影响,下调评级对不同关注度股票的影响。

    Study on market reaction of stock of different rating and different attention , namely the influence of rating upgrade on stock with different attention .

  15. 河内一位经济学家表示:“(下调评级的)时机非常糟糕,(越南)政府可能出于政治原因而站出来反对此次评级下调。”

    " The timing is awful , " said one hanoi-based economist . " The government may come out fighting over the downgrade for political reasons . "

  16. 如果这真的让体系更安全和更稳健,那么评级机构为何要把这些银行列入可能下调评级的观察名单之上?

    If this was really making the system safer and sounder , then why are the rating agencies putting the banks on notice of potential downgrade actions ?

  17. 然而,对于上调评级,由于其存在明显的提前反应,而且提前反应过度,导致评级发生后股票的市场表现与下调评级截然相反。

    However , for the rating , due to their obvious early response , and response excessively , market performance after rating is diametrically opposite to the downgrading .

  18. 资产违约或者被下调评级有时候可能让基金“跌破1美元”不能保持1美元的固定价值,因此遭遇“挤兑”。

    Defaults or downgrades of assets sometimes threatened to make funds " break the buck " to be unable to maintain the $ 1 fixed value and have to go into runoff .

  19. 希腊财政部表示,标普“之前就已声称”要下调评级,支持希腊努力避免无序违约的欧元区伙伴“已预料到了这个结果,并为此做了相应的准备”。

    The finance ministry said the downgrade was " pre-announced and all its consequences have been anticipated , planned for and addressed " by eurozone partners who are backing Greek efforts to avoid a disorderly default .

  20. 届时将不会有定量宽松举措来支撑国债市场,利率可能已经在上升;因此评级机构下调评级将令美国国债措手不及。

    There will be no quantitative easing to underpin the Treasury market , and interest rates will probably already be rising ; so a hit from the rating agencies would catch Treasuries on the back foot .

  21. 标普表示,下调评级是因为希腊追溯性地引入“集体行动条款”,迫使所有债券持有人接受政府提出的协议条款,这些协议条款将适用于按照希腊法律发行的债券。

    S & P said the downgrade followed the retroactive insertion by Athens of a " collective action clause " forcing all bondholders to accept the terms of the deal put forward by the government for bonds issued under Greek law .

  22. 一举一动都受到债券市场密切关注的西班牙未能避免被惠誉(Fitch)下调AAA评级,但其议会批准了政府的紧缩计划,而且是一次性通过。

    Spain , in the gun sights of the bond vigilantes , could not avoid being shorn of Fitch 's triple-A rating , although parliament approved the government 's austerity program & by one vote .

  23. 债券交易员表示,穆迪下调日本评级并会令人惊讶。

    Bond traders said Moody 's downgrade of Japan was not a surprise .

  24. 在穆迪下调葡萄牙评级之后,欧元区市场遭受重创。

    Eurozone markets were hit hard following the downgrade .

  25. 下调美国评级无甚新意,不过是凸显了以下担忧:当今世界是一个危险之地。

    The downgrade provided no new facts but underscored fears that the world is a risky place .

  26. 周日,韩国和日本表示,标普下调美国评级后,它们对美国国债的看法并无变化。

    On Sunday , South Korea and Japan said they had not changed their view on US Treasuries following the S & P move .

  27. 尽管由于标普对美国主权债务下调了评级不太可能引发美国国债率利率的飙升,但目前市场还是保持着高度的恐慌心理。

    Markets are bound to remain highly jittery , although it seems unlikely that American bond yields will rocket as a result of the S & P downgrade .

  28. 惠誉下调西班牙评级之前,欧洲官员正考虑制定一项纾困计划,向西班牙银行业提供援助,同时只对西班牙政府提出有限的条件。

    The downgrade came after it emerged European officials were weighing up a bailout programme for Spain that would aid its banking sector while imposing only limited conditionality on Madrid .

  29. 全球金融危机期间美国国际集团(AIG)评级遭下调,就是评级决定引发真实灾难性影响的一个典型。

    The decision to downgrade AIG ( AIG ) amid the financial crisis is a perfect example of a rating action having a real and disastrous impact .

  30. 另外两家评级机构没有跟随标普下调美国信用评级。

    Other major rating agencies have not followed S & P 's lead .