
  • 网络mandibular body;Corpus mandibulae;body of mandible
  1. 下颌体血供不均分布规律及其结构基础

    The Rule of Unequal Distribution of Blood Supply in Mandibular Body and Its Structural Foundation

  2. 结果表明:随着牙嵴吸收的增加,下颌体长度和下颌支长度增加;

    The results showed as follows : The more resorption of the residual ridge , 1.the lengths of mandibular body and ascending ramus increased ;

  3. 哺乳动物的极体结果:两级下颌体、开支长度无显著性差异(P>0.05);

    Results : There are no significant differences between the length of UM side and normal side of mandibular rami and bodies ( P > 0 . 05 ) .

  4. 结果:1.下颌体截面高度(h)从下颌联合部至磨牙段逐渐减小,其中,高角组变化趋势较均角组、低角组显著。

    The height of the cross-sectional area of the mandible decreased from the mandibular symphysis to the posterior segments , the variation trend of high-angle group was significant than the other two groups .

  5. 下颌骨两侧综合长度差亦减小(P0.01),两侧下颌体长度差明显减小(P0.01)。

    The bilateral mandibular difference of total length decreased remarkably ( P0.01 ) . The bilateral mandibular difference of body length also decreased ( P0.01 ) .

  6. 使用Bionator矫治器可使下颌体及下颌升支长度明显增长,使下颌生长方向有利于软硬组织侧貌面型的改善;

    Bionator appliances can promote the mandibular ramus and body growth and improve the soft tissue profile .

  7. 将PLA-PEG/BMP(实验组1)、PLA-PEG/BMP/bFGF(实验组2)和PLA-PEG(对照组)分别植入27只雄性新西兰白兔的下颌体部骨缺损处。

    PLA-PEG ( control group ), PLA-PEG / BMP ( experimental group A ) and PLA-PEG / BMP / bFGF ( experimental group B ) were respectively implanted into 27 rabbit mandibular defects .

  8. 结果患者上下颌骨关系明显改善,前牙牙槽高度、后牙牙槽高度、ANB角、上下中切牙轴角及16岁以下患者下颌体长度矫治前后有显著性差异。

    Results The height of anterior and posterior alveolar , ANB angle , anterior axis of central incisors , and the Go - Gn linear measurement for the patients under 16 years old showed significant differences before and after treatment .

  9. 下颌体部截骨术同期矫正牙颌及颏部畸形

    Simultaneous Surgical Correction of Dentomaxillary and Chin Deformities with Mandibular Body Osteotomy

  10. 与S&N及下颌体长呈负相关关系。

    It had negative correlation with the values of S-N and body length .

  11. 个性化下颌体部钛植入支架的生物力学设计

    The biomechanical design of the individual mandibular titanium framework

  12. 9例下颌骨骨肉瘤发生于下颌体部6例,颏部、升支、下前牙槽突各1例;

    There were 6 cases in mandible body and 1 case in chin , alveolar bone and mandible branch separately .

  13. 兔的左侧下颌体切除后缺损处用脱蛋白猪骨移植,右侧下颌骨体切除后骨缺损区用自体下颌骨移植。

    The deproteinized swine bones were grafted in the left defect of lower border of mandible and the autogenous graft in the right ones .

  14. 约1-2支,出腮腺后绝大部分在下颌体下缘之上的咬肌筋膜,向前下走行。

    Exited from parotid , most of the marginal mandibular Branch traversed into the masseter fascia above the lower edge of the mandibular body .

  15. 下颌骨各部骨化时间为8~36周,骨化部位最早的为下颌体,最晚的为颏结节。

    The occuring time of the ossification of mandibula lasted 8-36 weeks . The first part was corpus mandibulae , and the last part was tuberculum .

  16. 最低血氧饱和度的改善仅与下颌体长度及舌根部前后位置显著相关;

    The improvement of the lowest SaO 2 was only correlated significantly with the body length of the mandible and the anteroposterior position of the base of tongue .

  17. 结论:固定斜面导板可以刺激下颌体生长,改善面部比例关系,是一种有效的打开咬合,调整牙合位的装置。

    Conclusion : Fixed inclined bite plate is effective in the improvement of sagittal skeletal relationship and in the orthodontic treatment in the juveniles with Class ⅱ division 1 malocclusion .

  18. 方法采用光密度分析软件分别测定三叉神经痛患者以及健康人群全景片下颌体部标定区域内的光密度,按年龄、性别进行对比分析,观察两组骨密度的变化情况。

    Methods The software of bone mineral density was used to detect both patients with trigeminal neuralgia and the normal subjects ′ bone mineral density of the mandibular definite zone through DPT .

  19. 高角组下颌体及下颌升支长度小于均角组,均角组小于低角组。

    The mandibular body length and the mandibular ramus in high-angle group is shorter than the average-angle group , the average-angle group is shorter than the low-angle group . Conclusion : 1 .

  20. 结论:1.青年女性下颌体截面高度、宽度、皮质骨厚度从中线至远中呈现出一定的规律。

    There are some regularity from the media to the distance of the height , width of the mandibular cross-sections and the thickness of the cortical bone of the young females . 2 .

  21. 不同垂直骨面型青年女性的下颌体截面测量参数具有一定的差异性。(1)与低角组相比,高角组的下颌体截面高度在前牙段较大,而磨牙段较小。

    There are some differences of the parameters of the mandibular cross-sections of the young females . ( 1 ) Compared to the low-angle group , the mandibular cross-sectional height of the mandibular symphysis in the high-angle group was higher , but the height of molar segments was lower .

  22. 三种骨替代材料修复犬下颌种植体周围骨缺损的实验研究

    Evaluation of Three Bone Substitutes in the Treatment of Peri-implant Defects

  23. 目的:探讨穿下颌种植体数目,钛金基板对穿通下颌骨种植体周围骨界面应力分布的影响。

    Objective : To explore the influence of the number of transimandibular implants and base-plate of titanium on the stress distribution patterns at the bone interface around the transmandibular implants .

  24. 下颌牙种植体即刻加载三维有限元模型的建立

    Establishment of a three-dimensional finite element model of mandible with dental implants for immediate loading

  25. 兔下颌钛种植体周多糖-蛋白复合物及糖基在骨愈合中的动态研究

    A Study of Polysaccharide-protein Complex and Glycosyls in the Tissue Surrounding Titanium Implant of Rabbit

  26. 下颌骨分区截骨术重塑面下部轮廓方法利用截骨术,削磨术对下颌骨角、体、颏区畸形进行矫治。

    Subarea ostectomy of mandible for lower face re-shaping Methods The orthopedics of deformity of lower mandible was performed with osteotomy .

  27. 个性化下颌钛支架植入体的设计与生物力学评价

    The Design and Biomechanical Evaluation of Individual Mandibular Prosthesis

  28. 高压氧对放疗后狗下颌纯钛种植体与骨接触作用的影响

    The effect of hyperbaric oxygen adjunctive treatment on osseointegration of titanium implants in irradiated dog mandibles

  29. 颞下颌关节侧位体层片属于或关于颞颥(眼眶颅骨后头骨两侧)有关。

    Of or relating to the temples ( the sides of the skull behind the orbit ) .

  30. 前言:目的:建立下颌第一磨牙牙体缺损及修复的三维有限元模型。

    Objective : To construct of3-dimensional finite element models of mandibular first molar with structure defect restoration .