
xià jiànɡ shí jiān
  • fall time
  1. 集电极电流下降时间对E类放大器的影响

    Effects of the Collector Current Fall Time on the Class E Amplifier

  2. 实验结果证明IGBT的下降时间随着外延层厚度的增加而增加。

    The experimental results prove that the fall time of IGBT increases when increasing the thickness of the epitaxial layer .

  3. 考虑信号上升/下降时间的IC关键路径算法

    An Algorithm for Critical Path Extraction in IC Timing Analysis with Consideration of Slew

  4. 输出上升和下降时间TTL兼容和脉冲持续时间无关。

    Output rise and fall times are TTL compatible and independent of pulse duration .

  5. 本文分析了高温CMOS倒相器和门电路的瞬态特性,建立了它们的上升时间,下降时间和延迟时间的计算公式。

    This paper analyzes transient characteristics of high temperature CMOS inverter and gate circuits , and gives computational formulas of their rise time , fall time and delay time .

  6. 关键路径查找的基本拓扑算法由于没有考虑输入信号上升/下降时间(slew),在实践中证明并不是完全正确的。

    When considering the slew of the input signal , the basic topological algorithm of the critical path extraction is not always correct .

  7. 用药后血压明显下降时间:尼莫地平组(0.5h)较硫酸镁组(2h)快。

    The nimodipine group took shorter time ( 0.5 h ) to lower the blood pressure notably than the magnesium sulfate group ( 2 h ) .

  8. E类调谐功率放大器的理想模型是集电极电流下降时间为零,笔者在集电极电流下降时间不为零的情况下对E类放大器进行了分析;

    The idealized model of tuned power amplifier of the class E is that the collector current fall time is zero . The purpose of the paper is to analyze the equations governing the operation of the amplifier when the collector current fall time is nonzero .

  9. 旋转阳极的故障维修首次研究了GTO关断过程中下降时间内瞬时峰值功耗和尖峰电压相对位置的关系。

    And studies the relative location of the anode transient spike power and anode spike voltage during the fall time period of GTO turn off process for the first time .

  10. 过剩噪声系数为7;上升、下降时间短于1ns。

    Excess noise coefficient is 7 and both rise and fall time were less than 1 ns .

  11. 指出该材料的下降时间与TN型液晶规律相反,盒越薄,下降时间越慢,存储效应越明显。

    It is pointed out that the falling time of this material is opposite to TN-type liquid crystals , the cell is thinner , the falling time is slower , and the memory effect is more significant .

  12. 实验发现校准后眼图的张开高度、Q因子、上升时间、下降时间、峰峰抖动等参数改变明显,并且校准后的眼图与直接测试结果符合得很好。

    It is found that the corrected eye diagram fits the directly measured eye diagram very well and the corrected parameters , such as eye height , Q factor , rise time , fall time and peak-to-peak jitter , are very different from the uncorrected parameters .

  13. 提出了一个描述半导体光放大器(SLA)对皮秒脉冲的放大这一物理过程的较为完善的物理模型,并数值分析了光脉冲经SLA放大后的上升时间和下降时间。

    After presenting an improved theoretical model that describes the dynamic process of optical pulses amplification by the semiconductor light amplifiers ( SLAs ), both the rising and falling time of amplified picosecond optical pulses by the SLAs have been investigated numerically .

  14. 系统评估显示溶液交换的上升时间和下降时间分别为19.8±0.8ms和20±1ms。

    System evaluation revealed that the rise time and the fall time of the solution exchange were 19.8 ± 0.8 ms and 20 ± 1 ms respectively .

  15. 该驱动器的工作速率为DC至3Gb/s,调制电流和偏置电流调节范围分别为5~50mA,上升、下降时间小于100ps。

    The driver has the rise / fall time of less than 100 ps and can be used for bit rate up to 3 Gb / s with the modulation and the bias current of 5 ~ 50 mA respectively .

  16. 电路的实质是一个分辨率为5bit,采样速率为125MHz,上升下降时间为4ns的电流驱动型数模转换器。

    The circuit is substantially a current-steering digital-to-analog converter with 5 bit resolution , 125 MHz sampling rate and 4 ns transition time .

  17. 通过适当的电路设计,驱动电源电脉冲下降时间为6ns,这样调Q得到的脉冲激光宽度为7.68ns,在10kHz调制频率下,峰值功率达72.9kW。

    By desirable circuit design , the fall time of the electric pulse of the drive source is only 6 ns , the pulsed laser width obtained with modulating Q is 7.68 ns and the peak power is 72.9 kW at the modulation frequency of 10 kHz .

  18. 根据液晶的连续体理论及微扰原理得出HAN-FFS简化模型的上升时间常数和下降时间常数。

    By using liquid crystal continuum theory and perturbation principle , we obtain the expression of switching-on time constant and switching-off time constant for simplified HAN-FFS mode .

  19. 产生脉冲最小脉宽5ns,最大幅度7V,电平精度0.1V,最小上升/下降时间2ns。

    The generated pulse is specified by the minimum pulse width : 5 ns , the maximum swing : 7 V , the accuracy of pulse level : 0.1 V , and the rising or falling transition time : 2 ns .

  20. 脉冲上升/下降时间小于5纳秒。

    Pulse rising / falling time is less than 5 nanoseconds .

  21. 脉冲的上升时间和下降时间:<10μs。

    Pulse rise and decay time < 10 μ s.

  22. 下降时间输出:1我们最大。

    Fall time of output : 1 us Max.

  23. 结果治疗组胆红素下降时间快于对照组。

    Results the total bilirubin of treatment group decreases faster than that of control group .

  24. 狗左心室压力下降时间常数相关因素的研究

    A study on the correlating factors of the time constant of left ventricular pressure fall in dogs

  25. 器件的对比度大于70,上升时间和下降时间分别达到587μs和486μs。

    The contrast ratio was larger than 70 , rise time reached 587 microsecond and fall time was 486 microsecond .

  26. 以矩形波信号为输入信号研究了此驱动电源动态响应速度,输出方波的上升和下降时间仅为4.6μs和18.4μs。

    The rise-time and the fall-time were only 4.6 μ s and 18.4 μ s respectively when rectangular signal was inputted .

  27. 制出的铁电液晶显示器,其对比度达84:1,上升时间为110μs,下降时间为76μs。

    The contrast of fabricated FLCD is 84:1 , its rime time is 110 μ s , fall time 76 μ s.

  28. 探测器时间响应重复性好,上升时间快于下降时间。

    The time response of the detector has better repeatability . Rise time of the detector is faster than fall time .

  29. 而当给定电压和脉冲个数时,改变脉冲的下降时间则对于杀菌率的影响变化不大。

    When the voltage and pulse number were given , change the pulse fall time is no use of the sterilization rate .

  30. 而脉冲的上升/下降时间则通过调整脉冲合成电路的充放电电流来控制。

    The rising - and falling-times of pulses are adjusted through changing the charging and discharging currents of the synthesizing pulse circuit .