
  • 网络Pull down;Pull-down resistor;Pull-Down Resistance;pulldown;Pull-low
  1. 微处理器管脚用下拉电阻R1与地相连,阻抗典型为几百千欧,在管脚上呈现出高阻状态。

    The microcontroller 's pin connects to ground using pulldown resistor R1 with resistance , typically , of a few hundred kilohms to impress the high-impedance state on the pin .

  2. 如将其值的一半接到5V电源做上拉电阻,将另外的一半拉接到地做下拉电阻,则各个节点的两边偏置电阻最大总共为685Ω。

    Placing half of this value as a pullup to5V and half as a pulldown to ground gives a maximum bias resistor value of685 Ω for each of the two biasing resistors .

  3. 文章介绍了一种用在高精度A/D转换器中的CMOS电压参考源,依靠PMOS管阈值电压差来产生电流,在外接下拉电阻上产生电压参考源。

    In this paper , it introduces one kind of CMOS voltage reference source in high precision A / D converter , which produces current depending on difference of PMOS threshold voltage , and gives birth to voltage reference source on external get-down resistance .