
  • 网络level shifter;level translator;Rev. B
  1. 电平转换器在混合电压逻辑系统中的应用

    Application of level translator in admixture voltage logical system design

  2. 本文主要就其中的物理实现部分进行了详细探讨,介绍了多电压技术在物理实现过程中电平转换器的摆放以及电源的连接。

    In this thesis , it discussed in detail the physical implementation of multi-voltage technology in the process of level shifter placement and power connections and routing .

  3. 基于FIFO与电平转换器的dsp高速ADC系统

    High Speed ADC System on DSP with FIFO and Level Shifting Transceiver

  4. 介绍了IRIG-B码对时的概念、IRIG-B码对时模块的组成,其组成部分包括微处理器、电平转换器件、光耦隔离器。

    The paper introduces the time synchronization conception of the IRIG-B format code and its module construc - tions which include microprocessor , level converter and optically coupled isolator .

  5. 自制的电平转换电路取代专用电平转换器HS-3182降低了成本。

    The self-designed 429 electronic conversion circuit can replace special-purpose converter Chip HS-3182 , and reduced the cost .