
zǒnɡ chì zì
  • total deficit
  1. 总赤字减少的两倍多四千点零零亿美元奥巴马上个月提出节省开支冻结在国内可自由支配的五年2010年水平下。

    The total deficit reduction is more than double the $ 400 billion Obama proposed last month to save by freezing domestic discretionary spending at the2010 level for the next five years .

  2. 今年头4个月,美国对华农产品贸易顺差为40亿美元,帮助同期贸易总赤字收窄至710亿美元。

    The US had a $ 4bn trade surplus in agricultural products with China in the first four months of 2010 , helping shave the total deficit to $ 71bn in the period .

  3. 那么,美国政府的总赤字将仍然高达gdp的7%。

    Then the general government deficit would still be 7 per cent of GDP .

  4. 根据保守估计,今明两年,欧洲公共部门总赤字占国内生产总值(gdp)的比例将分别提高5个百分点左右。

    According to conservative estimates , the total public sector deficit in relation to gross domestic product will grow in Europe this year and next by about 5 percentage points .

  5. 2009年以来,《美国复苏与再投资法案》拨款和合同达到了4800亿美元,填补了总赤字的1/3还多。

    Since 2009 , the arra has delivered $ 480 billion in grants and contracts , padding over one-third of their combined deficits .

  6. 据财政部数据,10月份政府总赤字约为916亿美元,比去年同期下降24%。

    According to the Treasury Department , the government 's shortfall total around 91.6 billion dollars in October , down 24 % from same period a year ago .

  7. 在美国,政府的总预算赤字预期将逼近GDP的14%。

    In the US , the general government deficit is expected to be almost 14 per cent of GDP .

  8. 在总生态赤字构成中,生态赤字大小为:牧草地>耕地>水域用地。

    Composition of the total ecological deficit , the ecological deficit : pasture arable land water area .

  9. 根据今年1月在欧盟几乎全盘通过的新财政契约,欧盟成员国需要将总的结构性赤字占GDP的比例降至0.5%以下。

    Under the fiscal pact , which was agreed to by nearly all EU member states in January , countries are required to limit their total structural deficit to less than 0.5 % of GDP .

  10. 五年间武夷山总的旅游生态赤字不断增加(2003年除外)。

    The total tourism deficit is increasing within five years ( except 2003 ) .

  11. 2005年除章丘外的五县(市)新型农村合作医疗基金都有结余,结余率为30.38-58.09%:章丘市由于门诊基金超支而导致总基金当年出现赤字。

    In five counties except Zhangqiu , the surplus rate of NCMS fund was 30.38-58.09 % . However , in Zhangqiu , NCMS fund has deficit in unified fund concerning outpatient reimbursement .

  12. 财政赤字是宏观调控的手段,对其评价,关键是看宏观经济状况和社会总需求小于总供给,财政赤字就是好的;

    The financial deficit is a means of macro adjustment and control , the key to appraise it is to see the macro-economic situation .

  13. 计算结果表明,1998&2007年这十年间,济南市总的生态足迹和总的生态赤字整体都呈上升趋势,而总的生态承载力却呈不断下降趋势。

    The results indicate that the whole ecological footprint of water and the whole water ecological deficit of Jinan in the decade of 1998-2007 show ascendant trend , and the whole water ecological carrying capacity is a decline .