
zǒnɡ bāo hé tóng
  • general contract;general contracting agreement
  1. 总包合同管理优化必须要建立在一定的制度保障基础上,具体内容包括:优化调整企业组织机构、建立先进的企业文化、加强企业内部控制制度建设。

    The general contract management optimization ought to establish upon a certain level of systematic safeguard , which consists of : optimization and adjustment of enterprise organization , establishment of enterprise culture , and strengthening system construction of internal control of the enterprise .

  2. 建设工程承包合同,包括勘察、设计、建筑、安装,可以由一个总包单位与建设单位签订总包合同,也可以由几个承包单位与建设单位分别签订合同。

    In contracting for construction projects , including survey , design , building and installation , one general contractor may sign a general contract with the construction client , or several contractors may separately sign contracts with the construction client .

  3. 基本目标是通过对总包合同执行中的质量、进度、成本、风险等的管理,控制总包业务的风险,提高总包业务的利润率。

    The basic goal is to control contracting business risk and improve the overall profit margin through the management in terms of quality , schedule , cost and risk .

  4. 介绍了目前国际上广为采用的5种工程总承包方式以及水泥工业建设项目总包工程合同管理和索赔管理的内容与要求;

    The paper introduced five kinds of project general contract applied widely in the word and management of contract and counterclaim of general contract project of cement industry .