
  1. 马斯顿效应在阿尔及利亚高速公路框架涵洞设计中的分析及应用

    The Analysis and Application of " Marston " Effect in Algerian Highway Frame-culvert Design

  2. 阿尔及利亚东西高速公路泥灰岩地质路基设计方案探讨

    Discussion on Algeria East-west Highway Chalky Clay Geology Roadbed Design Plan

  3. 论文的第三章深入研究了阿尔及利亚东西高速公路项目的主合同管理及分包合同管理工作,分析了该项目合同管理中存在的问题以及相应的解决措施。

    The third chapter of this paper s studies in-depth of the main contract management and sub-contract management of the East-West Highway project in Algeria , analysis of the project contract management issues and corresponding solutions .

  4. 中国大型商业银行也在非洲开展了多项买方信贷,支持了加纳电网、埃塞俄比亚水电站、阿尔及利亚东西高速公路等项目。

    Some of Chinas main commercial banks have also started buyers credit businesses in Africa , supporting the power grid in Ghana , hydropower stations in Ethiopia , a west-east expressway in Algeria , and other projects .