
  1. 你创作阿芝台克人的大门的灵感是什么?

    What was your inspiration in creating the Aztec Gatehouse ?

  2. 阿芝,我需要那狗,好不?

    Aggie , I need that dog , okay ?

  3. 他原名阿芝,后改齐璜。

    His original name was azhi , which he changed to Qi huang .

  4. (1485-1547年)挫败阿芝台克人并且征服墨西哥的西班牙探险家。

    ( 1485-1547 ) Spanish conquistador who defeated the Aztecs and conquered Mexico .

  5. 这是阿芝台克人的日历。

    This is the Aztec calendar .

  6. 大毒蛇或者龙也出现在阿芝台达,中国和美洲土著神话里。

    The serpent or dragon also appears in aztec , chinese , and Native American mythology .

  7. 西南美国的北美印第安族人(和阿芝台克人有联系)。

    A member of the North American Indian people ( related to the Aztecs ) of the SW US .

  8. 今天的大多数墨西哥食品是根据古老的传统,如阿芝台克人和玛雅人,加上烹饪趋势介绍了西班牙殖民者。

    Mostof today 's Mexican food is based on ancient traditions , such as theAztecs and Maya , combined with culinary trends introduced by Spanishcolonists .