
  • 网络Total Issue;gross issuance
  1. 敝公司经营制作,出版及总发行佛经梵呗系列CD与VCD。

    Our company produces , imports and distributes Buddhist Media CD and VCD .

  2. 根据日本新闻协会(JapanNewspaperPublisher&EditorsAssociation)的数据,日本各家报纸今年3月的总发行量为3970万份,在过去13年里下降了15%。

    The total circulation of Japanese newspapers as of March was 39.7m , down 15 per cent over the past 13 years , according to the Japan Newspaper Publisher & Editors Association .

  3. 根据审计媒体联盟(AllianceforAuditedMedia)的数据,尽管《经济学人》在美国的总发行量从2013年的833104份,下降到了2014年的795501份,其数字受众的规模却在不断扩大。

    While The Economist 's total circulation in the United States declined to 795501 in 2014 from 833104 in 2013 , its digital audience is growing , according to the Alliance for Audited Media .

  4. 这种报纸的总发行量是多少?

    What 's the total circulation of this newspaper ?

  5. 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。

    A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition .

  6. 公司之前的总发行股数多重投票权股票,可赎回的第一优先股票和下属表决权股份都被有效的取消了。

    The company 's previously issued and outstanding multiple voting shares , redeemable first preferred shares and subordinate voting shares were effectively canceled .

  7. 注:股票发行量、总发行股本、市价总值和筹资额均不含H股。

    Note : Issued amount , total issued capital , total market capitalization and raised capital of shares don 't include H share .

  8. 本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。

    " General distribution " mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications .

  9. 我要是一天不看报纸就会觉得这一天不完整,他们则不会。报纸总发行量以每年大约一百万的速度在递减。

    Unlike me , they didn 't feel their day was incomplete without reading a newspaper.Total newspaper circulation has been declining by roughly a million copies each year .

  10. 出版物总发行企业、批发企业可以通过互联网等信息网络从事出版物发行业务,无需审批。

    An enterprise engaging in general distribution of publications or a wholesale enterprise may engage in publication distributing business through Internet or other information network without any approval .

  11. 出版单位对本版出版物具有总发行权。我是否可以获得以各种文字出版该表的非专有版权?

    A publishing entity shall have the right of general distribution over the publications of the current edition . May I please have nonexclusive world rights in all languages ?

  12. 出版单位委托出版物总发行单位发行出版物,应使用统一的《出版物发行委托书》;

    A publishing entity shall , when authorizing an entity engaging in general distribution of publications to distribute the publications , use the uniform " Power of Attorney for Distributing Publications ";

  13. 评级机构标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)称,今年企业绿色债券市场预计将达到200亿美元,为2013年总发行量的两倍以上。

    The corporate green bond market is expected to reach $ 20bn this year , according to rating agency Standard & Poor 's , more than twice the total issuance in 2013 .

  14. 发行内部资料性出版物的;向无总发行权的单位转让或变相转让出版物总发行权的;

    Distributing internally circulated publications ; Transferring either directly or in a disguised form the right of general distribution of publications to an entity that does not have right of general distribution ;

  15. 《律吕新书》校点札记(之一)&选择底本,兼论版本系统本规定所称总发行,是指出版物总发行单位统一包销出版物。

    Notes on My Punctuation of The New Book of Temperament & About Choosing Master Copy and Edition System " General distribution " mentioned in the present Provisions means exclusive sale of publications by an entity engaging in general distribution of publications .

  16. 中国企业今年的总发行规模有望超过1000亿美元,其中估计有650亿美元是通过在上海或深圳市场A股上市所募集,其余则是通过在香港的H股上市。

    Combined issuance this year by Chinese companies is on track to generate more than $ 100bn , with an estimated $ 65bn raised by A-share listings in Shanghai or Shenzhen and the bulk of the remainder through H-share listings in Hong Kong .

  17. 互相竞争的报纸的消失,总要导致发行额的下降。

    Disappearance of competitive papers always causes loss of sales .

  18. 就像这个倒霉的非洲共和国实际证明的那样,在一个ZF陷入恶性通货膨之前总有一个发行货币的最高限度。

    As the hapless African republic demonstrated , there is a limit to how much money a government can print before its economy plunges into hyperinflation .

  19. 根据本文对两个样本进行逐步分析得到的结果,总资产规模、发行前期市场涨跌、发行前期净资产收益率等都是影响我国新股发行首日收益率高低的重要因素。

    According to the results of the analysis , we can see that the total asset size 、 the eat and flow of the market before issue and the yield of the equity are the important factors those influence the first day revenue of the IPOs .