
  • 网络grilled lobster;baked Lobster;langouste grillée;Kao Zuo Wei
  1. 他们在Instagram上贴学校做的烤龙虾照片。

    They post photos of the campus lobster bake on Instagram .

  2. 我们划着独木舟、玩着冲浪板,在粉红色沙滩的袖珍小岛上野餐。整个旅程的最后一个晚上,我们在一座荒岛上享用烤龙虾,环绕小岛的绿树上挂满了灯笼。

    We kayaked and paddle-boarded , had picnics on tiny islands fringed with pink-tinged sand and , on our last evening , we ate barbecued lobster on another deserted island surrounded by trees festooned with lanterns .

  3. 很快为客人提供烤好的龙虾可以为他们留下深刻印象,但是准备好必需品同样可以为你加分。

    Yes you 'll impress your guests by whipping up a quick lobster thermidor , but you 'll impress them more by not forgetting the essentials .