
  1. 2012年全年的节假旺季,尽管经济在复苏,PC的销量依然同比下跌了6%到10%(具体跌幅还是取决于大家各自采信的数据来源)。

    Over the 2012 holiday gift season , PC sales declined by between 6 % and 10 % over the previous year ( again , depending on whose data you believe ), even as the economy was recovering .

  2. 在节假期间路桥费比以前要贵。

    The road roll is higher during holiday periods .

  3. 家在当地的士兵有时在新年节假期间获准回家结婚。

    Local regulars sometimes obtained leave over the New Year holidays to get married .

  4. 两年以后,复活节假期间,我去看望我的表弟们。

    Two years later , during Easter holidays I went to visit my cousins .

  5. 节假照常、精琢专业、方便快捷、热忱服务!

    Holiday as usual , fine Zhuo professional , convenient and quick , warm clothing service !

  6. 国庆节假,杭州天气不错,以多云为主,惟独5日有点小阵雨。

    It is mainly cloudy in Hangzhou during the national holiday , except for little showers on October5th .

  7. 在节假日里,邀请长辈到餐馆喝茶并为其埋单则是传统的活动。

    Inviting and paying for their elders to go to restaurants for tea is a traditional activity on holidays .

  8. 当停下来等待疑问时,一个20来岁的年轻人问自己在节假日间能不能回家。

    When he paused for questions , one man in his20s asked if he could go home during holidays .

  9. 这等于是第二个圣诞节假啊,因为就在复活节假后几天。

    And it will be like a second Christmas break for many because it follows just days after the Easter weekend .

  10. 一位只报出自己姓的李员工说这样的表演在夏天和节假日常有。

    An employee who would give only her surname , Li , said the performances usually occur during the summer and holidays .

  11. 百思买管理欠佳,正如其在客户服务方面的糟糕声誉以及上一节假季期间的库存灾难所展示的。

    Best buy is not well managed , as an inventory disaster during the last holiday season and a reputation for poor customer service show .

  12. 如果此月的20日是节假日,须在节假日前最后一个工作日或之前提供预测。

    If the20th day of the month is a holiday , the forecast should be provided by or on the last business day before the holiday .

  13. 锻炼身体节假期间,锻炼身体这件本来头等重要的事却往往首先被扔到一边。

    Exericise When the holidays come , exercise is often the first thing to go , even though it belongs at the top of your priority list .

  14. 幼儿园实行寄宿、日托、周末托、节假日托、寒暑假托为家长提供全方位服务。

    Limai Kindergarten provides parents with all kinds of nursery services such as boarding , day care , weekend care , festival care and summer / winter vacation care .

  15. 越来越多的人们愿意把消费投资到旅游业,节假期间,出游人数急剧增多。

    More and more people hopes that the number consumption is invested in going on a tour to tourist trade , festival during the vacation , increases by rapidly .

  16. 在即将到来的节假日里,维持那个咀嚼次数或者将其减少20%,韦斯特博士说,这似乎是最有效的减肥方法。

    Then during the upcoming feasts , maintain or reduce that number , with a reduction of 20 percent seeming the most efficacious for weight loss , Dr. West said .

  17. 复活节假和威廉王子婚礼假之间只有三个工作日,等于说这三天也请假的话就可以连续休11天了!

    There are just three normal working days between the two Bank Holiday weekends , meaning many could enjoy a break of11 days if they book the time off in between .

  18. 在节假期间,有关这只大象在公路上行走、用它的象鼻和腿推动它经过的汽车的照片和视频在网上迅速传播开来。

    Pictures and video of the elephant walking down the road , swinging its trunk and legs at the cars it passed , were published online and went viral over the holiday .

  19. 北京交通大学教授石培华对新华社说,这次放假安排避免了“节假日前后出现超长工作周”。

    Shi Peihua , a professor at Beijing Jiaotong University , told the state news agency Xinhua that the arrangement eliminates " very long consecutive work days in weeks before or after holidays . "

  20. 过年、圣诞节,斋月节、宽扎文明节以及其他的一些节假让我们加倍了解自身,让我们记住我们来自何处,并且还让我们联合分享对付他美的景仰。

    The Spring Festival , Christmas , Ramadan , Kwanzaa and all the other holidays and festivals help us understand who we are , remember where we come from , and share our hopes for a happy future .

  21. 大多数中国人将在春节的第7天停止庆祝活动,因为全国性节假通常在这一天结束,但在公共场所的庆祝活动可能最终持续到正月十五。

    Most of Chinese people will stop the celebrating in their home on the 7th day of New Year because the national holiday usually ends around that day , however celebrations in public areas can last until the 15th day of New Year .

  22. 他们掉头而去避开了痛苦的场面一门心思只想着更为重要的事情。节假期间,锻炼身体这件本来头等重要的事却往往首先被扔到一边。

    They turned away their eyes - avoiding the pain - keeping their mind on more important things . When the holidays come , exercise is often the first thing to go , even though it belongs at the top of your priority list .

  23. 威廉王子为了纪念自己的母亲,将婚礼选在4月29日,并将这一天定位国定假日。这等于是第二个圣诞节假啊,因为就在复活节假后几天。

    The Prince wants to evoke the memory of his mother by making his marriage on April 29 next year a celebration for the whole nation.And it will be like a second Christmas break for many because it follows just days after the Easter weekend .