
mǐ jiā lè jié
  • Michaelmas
  1. 他俩从希拉里期到米迦勒节之间在一起灌下的酒可以浮起一艘豪华巨轮。

    What the two drank together , between Hilary Term and Michaelmas , might have floated a king 's ship .

  2. 人们都说,你打算一到米迦勒节,就把房子退租,我但愿不会如此。

    People did say you meant to quit the place entirely at Michaelmas ; but , however , I hope it is not true .

  3. 米迦勒节纪念天使长米迦勒的基督教节目。

    A Christian feast observed in honor of the archangel michael .

  4. 照英国食谱说,鹅未必是圣诞佳肴,倒是九月二十九日米迦勒节租客送给业主的礼品。

    You would be aware that according to Elizabeth Ayrton 's Cookery of England , the goose is not necessarily a Christmas dish .