
  • 网络Michelin Restaurant
  1. 或者像巴黎的L’AtelierdeJoëlRobuchon米其林餐厅。

    As in Paris , there 's a L'Atelier de Jo ë l Robuchon .

  2. 米其林餐厅指南也在不断更新,适应新的格式,例如iphone、诺基亚(nokia)手机、车载gps系统等等。

    The guidebooks are also being updated and adapted to new formats such as the iPhone , Nokia mobile telephones , GPS systems in cars and so on .

  3. 尽管米其林餐厅已经接受了法国菜近年来的激烈转型(比如你可以看看最近刚获得米其林三星的DiverXo餐厅的朋克风官网),但是很多看《米其林指南》的消费者还是期待享受一顿传统大餐。

    While Michelin has accepted the radical makeover haute cuisine has undergone in recent years ( just visit the punk rock website for recently minted 3-star DiverXo ), many consumers who use the guide expect it to prize a traditional style .

  4. 尽管米其林餐厅已经接受了法国菜近年来的激烈转型(比如你可以看看最近刚获得米其林三星的DiverXo餐厅的“朋克风”官网),但是很多看《米其林指南》的消费者还是期待享受一顿传统大餐。

    While Michelin has accepted the radical makeover haute cuisine has undergone in recent years ( just visit the punk rock website for recently minted 3-star DiverXo ) , many consumers who use the guide expect it to prize a traditional style .

  5. 大厨们会继续为了米其林餐厅而努力。

    Chefs will continue to strive for Michelin stars .

  6. 很多米其林餐厅其实都是在赔本赚吆喝,它的名声使大厨能够赚取很高的私人烹饪费,还有些米其林餐厅则做起了低成本的配套食品和低价餐厅。

    For many Michelin star restaurateurs , the restaurant is a loss leader whose fame allows the chef to charge high speaking or private cooking fees ; others start lines of premade food or lower priced restaurants .

  7. 两种薄饼都是法国西北部地区布列塔尼的传统小吃,之后当地移民把这种通过速烤制成薄饼的方法带去了巴黎,最终从街头小吃摊到米其林餐厅,到处都可以看到这种经典小吃。

    Both were traditionally eaten in Brittany in the northwest of France , but immigrants from the region brought the quick-cooked griddle cakes to Paris , where everyone from street vendors to Michelin-starred restaurants , serve the classic dish .

  8. 据巴黎旅游局统计,去年来巴黎的中国游客约有1百万人,他们在诸如卡地亚表,米其林餐厅等其他方面上的花费超过10亿欧元。远超美日游客消费之和。

    Nearly 1 million Chinese tourists came to Paris last year , according to the Paris Tourism Office , spending more than 1 billion euros oneverything from Cartier watches to Michelin-starred restaurants , andoutspending both Japanese and Americans on shopping .

  9. 第一版米其林餐厅指南于1900年推出,旨在帮助法国的驾车者在该国旅行途中找到一家上等的酒店和餐厅以及修车或换轮胎的修车厂。

    The first edition of the Michelin Guide was launched in 1900 to help motorists in France to find a decent hotel and a good restaurant as well as a garage to repair their cars or change a tyre while touring the country .

  10. 法国本身的米其林三星餐厅数量惊人,

    France itself has an incredible number of three-Michelin-star restaurants ,

  11. 当前的业内佼佼者是品酒师比利·瓦格纳(BillyWagne)开的Nobelhart&Schmutzig,他以前是米其林级餐厅RutzWineBar的掌门人。

    The current bellwether is Nobelhart & Schmutzig , opened by the sommelier Billy Wagner , who previously helmed the Michelin-starred Rutz Wine Bar .

  12. 富游L’Arpège是米其林三星餐厅,在《餐厅》杂志(Restaurant)的世界餐厅排行榜上排名第25位。

    High L'Arp è ge has three Michelin stars and a No. 25 spot on Restaurant magazine 's world rankings .

  13. 其他上榜餐厅还有位于牛津郡(Oxfordshire)大弥尔顿(GreatMilton)的四季农庄餐厅(LeManoirauxQuat'Saisons),这家米其林星级餐厅在榜单上位列第三。

    Included in the top 10 was michelin-starred Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons in Great Milton , Oxfordshire , which came third .

  14. 伦敦梅菲尔区(Mayfair)的米其林星级餐厅Gymkhana的大厨卡拉姆•塞蒂(KaramSethi)也持相同意见。

    Karam Sethi , chef at Michelin-starred Mayfair restaurant Gymkhana , agrees .

  15. 米其林三星餐厅L'AtelierdeJoelRobuchon的定价是餐台席位每位3680港币,加收10%的服务费;

    At Michelin 3-star rated L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon , the per person tariff for dinner is only $ 3680 plus 10 % service charge , for a seat at a table .

  16. 马克南担任英格兰南部汉普郡(Hampshire)帕克希尔饭店(Parkhillrestaurant)米其林星级餐厅LePoussin(如今已关张)主厨时只有21岁,有次受邀参加在北京香格里拉酒店(Shangri-Lahotel)蓝韵餐厅(BluLobster)举办的午宴。

    McKenna , who had become head chef of the ( now closed ) Michelin-starred Le Poussin at Parkhill restaurant in Hampshire , southern England , when he was just 21 , was asked to launch the Blu Lobster restaurant at the Shangri-La hotel .

  17. 广场对面的BléSucré糕点店其貌不扬,店主却是米其林三星餐厅LeBristol(现名Epicure)的前任糕点大厨法布里斯·勒·布尔达(FabriceLeBourdat)。

    I was at Bl é Sucr é , a patisserie with a deceptively everyday look ; it is run by Fabrice Le Bourdat , the former pastry chef at Le Bristol , the three-star Michelin restaurant that is now called Epicure .

  18. 让人惊讶的是,去年的亚军得主、拥有很多米其林星级餐厅的巴黎今年竟然跌出了排行榜。

    In a surprise move , Paris with its abundance of Michelin-star restaurants fell off the list after placing second last year .

  19. 日本人对美食有着狂热的爱好,米其林东京餐厅和酒店指南大大提升了该公司在日本的知名度。

    The Japanese are mad about food and the Michelin Tokyo restaurant and hotel guide have greatly enhanced the company 's visibility in the country .

  20. 随便哪一天,他都能给你安排塞纳河上的私人游览,或者在米其林三星餐厅搞到难得的预订。

    On any given day , he can arrange a private cruise on the Seine or land a difficult reservation at a three-star Michelin restaurant .

  21. 比如说,媒体报道了,发生在位于伦敦西部诺丁山的米其林星级餐厅。蒙面掠夺者和拿着擀面杖的工作人员之间白热化的冲突。

    For instance , the press reported hand-to-hand combat between masked looters and staff armed with rolling pins at a Michelin-starred restaurant in Notting Hill , in west London .

  22. 我把香港特区的主要西餐厅,甚至包括米其林星级餐厅都打听了一圈儿,才发现大多数餐厅的新年前夜套餐提前几周就已经预订满了,现在只能排队等候。

    A quick check with some of the S.A.R. 's leading western restaurants , including Michelin-starred establishments , showed that most were fully booked , with waiting lists , several weeks in advance of New Year 's Eve .

  23. 2013年4月,他到一家米其林星级餐厅吃生日大餐,那家餐厅侍应用了大量形容词详细解释一道很复杂的菜品所使用的原料(用比奥斯卡的话说是“唱菜名”)。

    In April 2013 , he was out for his birthday dinner at a Michelin-star restaurant and the waiter was doing his adjective-heavy best at enumerating the ingredients of a complicated dish ( " singing the dish , " in Biosca 's words ) .

  24. 器皿与餐具要用专用推车推至餐桌旁,再一件件擦亮,然后根据复杂的度量方法(由手指的宽度来确定,这是米其林星级餐厅的通行做法,若您没有手指,嘿嘿,那就没辙了)把它们摆放到位。

    Crockery and cutlery are wheeled to the table on a special cart and polished individually , before being laid out using a complex system of measures based on the width of a finger ( God help you if you don 't have Michelin-approved digits ) .

  25. 米其林二星级餐厅FG的主厨Fran?oisGeurds本月又开了一家餐馆。

    Fran ? ois Geurds , chef of the two-Michelin-starred restaurant FG , opens another restaurant this month .

  26. 库索是法国西南米其林两星级餐厅驿站酒店(RelaisdelaPoste)的主厨,他说这种鸟儿没有受到不人道的对待,还引用未发表的一项加拿大鸟类学研究,指出圃鹀在北欧的数量约在3000万只。

    Mr. Coussau , the chef at the two-Michelin-star restaurant Relais de la Poste in southwest France , insisted that the birds were not treated inhumanely , and cited an unpublished Canadian ornithological study indicating that the ortolan population in Northern Europe is around 30 million .

  27. 纽约米其林一星餐厅GramercyTavern行政副总厨霍华德・卡拉奇尼科夫(HowardKalachnikoff)说,两年前龙虾的下船价大幅下滑后,餐厅换了一个直接从缅因州渔民手里进货的龙虾供应商,每磅成本下降了约三美元。

    When off-the-boat prices for lobster were plummeting about two years ago , Gramercy Tavern in New York switched to a lobster supplier who buys directly from Maine fishermen , reducing the restaurant 's cost per pound by about $ 3 , says Howard Kalachnikoff , executive sous chef at the one-Michelin-star restaurant .

  28. 感受香槟美味的最佳方式,就是借助于大厨菲利·米勒(PhilippeMille)为豪华的雷克莱耶尔酒店(LeLeDomaineLesCrayères)内开设的米其林二星级餐厅LeParc设计的任意一份定期更新的菜单。

    pairing well with the superb food served in the region 's many excellent restaurants . The most delicious way to discover Champagne 's gastronomic aptitude is through one of the regularly renewed menus that the chef Philippe Mille creates at Le Parc , the Michelin two-star restaurant at the plush Le Domaine Les Cray è res hotel .

  29. 对于米其林而言,餐厅指南业务并非一个很大的利润中心,也不是一种多元化工具,而本质上是一种优秀且独创的营销工具。

    For Michelin , the guidebooks business is not so much a profit centre or a vehicle for diversification as essentially a prime , original marketing tool .

  30. 学术研究表明,失去一颗米其林星会导致餐厅的销售额下降最高达50%,而得到米其林星的餐厅则觉得有必要对服务和装修进行投资,为了这样做,他们往往就得提价。

    Academic studies have found that losing a star can cut sales by as much as 50 % , and that restaurants awarded Michelin stars feel the need to invest in service and d é cor and increase prices to do so .