
  1. 节水阀旁紧连着一个双向旋转电机。

    Attached to a water valve next to the tight two-way rotating motor .

  2. 她发明的节水阀,安装在热水器与管道的连接处。

    She invented the water valve , water heater and pipes installed in the junction .

  3. 按一下红色开关,电机旋转使节水阀打开,热水沿着管道流出。

    Click the red switch , the motor rotation envoys valve open , water flow along the pipeline .

  4. 昨日从武汉市科协获悉,武汉一高中生发明的节水阀,可使热水器出水管中不出一滴凉水。

    CAST was informed yesterday from Wuhan , Wuhan , an invention of water-saving valve high school students , can not drop water heater outlet pipe in cold water .

  5. 麦田在微风中成波浪状起伏;麦浪随风波动。专用节水阀、用花洒,喷射力强,随开随用杜绝浪费。

    The wheat field rippled in the breeze . Special water-saving valve , special shower head with strong spray power , using while bathing can put an end to waste .

  6. 按一下绿色开关,电机再次短暂旋转,使节水阀关闭,热水停止放出,水管中的热水很快全部放完。

    Click the green switch , the motor again , short rotation , diplomats valve closed to stop release of hot water , hot water pipes in all the discharged soon .