
  • 网络Auspicious hour;Chesterfield
吉时 [jí shí]
  • [good occasion;wedding day] 迷信中指吉利的时辰

  • 选吉时良辰行大礼

  1. 那不是营业开张的吉时佳日。

    It was not a propitious time to start a new business .

  2. 我会请莫拉蒂吃饭,但吉时未到。

    I will invite Moratti to dinner , but not yet .

  3. 华西村发言人周二说,吴仁宝的葬礼安排在周五上午8点零8分的吉时举行。

    His funeral is scheduled for the auspicious time of 8:08 a.m. on Friday , said a spokesman for the town Tuesday .

  4. 在此吉时献上我的祝福:愿你的每一天都十分的精彩。

    At such a wonderful moment , I send you a gentle and warm wish : May every day be brilliant for you !

  5. 吉时和命好的女人或命好的男人,即这个男人或女人有许多孩子和亲友,被选来安置新床。

    A propitious hour and a " good luck woman " or " good luck man , " that is a man or woman with many children and living mates , were selected to install a newly purchased bed .

  6. 李玉瑛表示:中国的传统要求新人不仅必须要在吉日,而且还要在吉时结成夫妻。所以,拍照过去常常被压缩成一个非常匆忙的仪式。

    Chinese tradition dictated that couples had to be married not only on an auspicious day , but also at an auspicious hour . So photo-taking used to be squeezed into a very rushed ceremony , says Prof Lee .