
  1. 岩溶土壤系统对空气CO2的吸收及其对陆地系统碳汇的意义&以桂林丫吉村岩溶试验场的野外观测和模拟实验为例

    Sink effect of karst soil system on atmospheric co_2 : evidence from field observation and simulation experiment

  2. 岩溶系统土壤吸释CO2作用及其环境意义&以桂林丫吉村岩溶试验场为例

    Co_2 absorption & emission from soil and its environmental significance in Karst System-An example of Yaji Karst Experimental Site in Guilin China

  3. 吉村崇又说,这不仅仅是语言问题,更是文化问题。

    Mr Yoshimura adds that this is not just a language problem but a cultural one , too .

  4. 西南岩溶区土壤微生物生态作用的初步研究&以桂林丫吉村岩溶试验场为例

    Preliminary Study on Soil Microbial Ecological Effect in Karst Areas of Southwest China & A case of the Yaji karst experimental site

  5. 木吉村矿田由木吉村,浮图峪等七个中小型矿床组成,是河北最重要的铜矿集中区。

    Muji village orefield is composed of seven middle small scale deposits , and is the most important concentration area of copper deposits in Hebei .

  6. 该楼在1971年开放,在当时的纽约属于典型的日本建筑风格,由日本著名的建筑师吉村顺三设计。

    The building itself was designed by famous Japanese architect Junzo Yoshimura and was the building of Japanese architecture in NYC when it opened in 1971 .

  7. 他的寿司店Masaaki'sSushi面积很小,位于吉夫斯顿村(Geeveston),只在周五和周六营业。

    His closet-sized cafe , Masaaki 's Sushi , in the village of Geeveston , is only open on Friday and Saturday .

  8. 地台戏是依附于传统的家族祭祀,仅在吉家营一村流传,属于家戏的范畴,具有浓厚的家族祭祀色彩。

    The drama together , is attached to the traditional family worship , only spread in Ji Jia Ying Village , belonging to the " family drama " category , with a strong family sacrificial color .