
  1. 得了吧,老友生日,贺一贺也不可以?

    Oh , come on . Can 't a girl do something nice for her friend on her birthday ?

  2. 结论16Srdna序列分析鉴定志贺菌是一种快速、可靠、成本较低的方法。

    Conclusion : It 's concluded that 16S rDNA sequence analysis may be a reliable , rapid , and low costs way for identification of Shigella strains .

  3. 那一定是伊贺忍者另外一个孩子。

    He must be the other child of the LGA ninja .

  4. 伊贺忍者只有一个儿子。

    LGA Ninja had one son only .

  5. 二十出头的时候,法兰西斯•贺赛苹接到一个电话,对方邀请她领导宾夕法尼亚州约翰斯敦市的女童军17团。

    Frances Hesselbein received a call to head girl scout troop 17 in Johnstown , Pa. , in her early twenties .

  6. 大约一年之后,布夏贺上尉领导了一个建筑项目。

    About a year later , Captain Bouchard was leading a building project .

  7. 现在当地警方声称在东京南面横须贺附近已经逮捕一名叫理查德·劳顿的士官。

    Now local police say they 've arrested an Petty officer Richard Lawton near Yokoska just south of Tokyo .

  8. 贺尔拜因的一幅肖像,委拉斯开兹的一幅修士,里贝拉的一幅殉教者,鲁本斯的一幅节日欢宴图,狄尼埃父子的两幅佛兰德风景,

    a Holbein portrait , a monk by Velazquez , a martyr by Ribera , a village fair by Rubens , two Flemish landscapes by Teniers ,

  9. 菌痢是由志贺菌引起的一种在全球范围流行的急性肠道传染病,尤其是发展中国家的一个重要的公共卫生问题。

    Bacillary dysentery is a kind of acute intestinal tract disease infected with and caused by shigella in the world and it is a public health problem especially in developing countries .

  10. 志贺毒素(ShT)是由Ⅰ型痢疾志贺菌产生的一种重要的致病毒力因子,具有细胞毒、肠毒和神经毒三种毒性作用。

    Shiga toxin ( ShT ), which synthesized by Shigella dysenteriae type ⅰ, is a kind of potent exotoxin with neuro-toxic , cytotoxic and enterotoxic activities , and is an important factors of Shigellosis .