
  • 网络Port of San Francisco
  1. 货轮已于旧金山港卸货。

    The cargo be discharge at San francisco .

  2. 弗朗西斯在旧金山港目睹一场油罐事故,受此影响22年来一直决绝乘坐机动车辆。

    Francis was inspired by witnessing an oil tanker accident in San Francisco Bay to eschew motor vehicles for 22 years .

  3. 译文:但淘金者仍纷至沓来。有200艘船只被遗弃在了旧金山港,弃船人员向山区匆匆进发。

    TEXT : But still the people come.200 abandoned ships in San Francisco harbor , the crews deserting , rushing for the hills .

  4. 在旧金山港,淘金热之前一片售价16美元的土地,如今转手价却飙升至4万5千美元。

    In the port of San Francisco , a plot of land worth $ 16 before the gold strike now changes hands for $ 45000 .

  5. 他们顺着烟囱爬到海边,随后迅速自制了一艘小木筏,乘着木筏驶进了旧金山港。

    They then made their way down a chimney to the beach , where they quickly assembled a handmade raft and escaped into the San Francisco Bay .