
  1. 唐宋传奇小说文体研究

    The Style Research about Tales of Marvels of Tang and Song Dynasty

  2. 在这些小说书目中,汉魏小说所占比重高于唐宋传奇。

    Among the novels included , the Han and Wei fiction has a higher proportion than the Tang and Song legend .

  3. 亡灵忆往是唐宋传奇作家采取的一种独特的观照历史的叙事模式。

    The dead recalling the past was a special narrative mode that the novelists of the Tang and Song Dynasty to view the history .

  4. 之所以将唐宋传奇作品中的妓女形象进行比较,是因为二者在题材上有着继承关系,人物形象塑造、情节和结局都有相关性。

    The legend in Tang and Song Dynasty prostitutes were compared , because of the two party in the subject has inherited , characters , plot and ending with correlation .

  5. 中国古典叙事模式的探讨应当着眼于时间、结构、视角、意象四个方面,而后者尤为唐宋传奇所独擅。

    The exploration of Chinese classical narrative style should focus on time , structure , perspective and especially imagery which was used the best by the tales of marvels in Tang and Song Dynasties .

  6. 唐宋传奇对妓女的关注,塑造了具有典型意义的人物形象,真实地反映了她们的性格及其悲惨的命运,情节丰富、代表性强,从而为我们塑造出一个个有血有肉的妓女形象。

    Romance of the Tang Dynasty of the prostitute attention , create typical characters , reflects their personality and their tragic fate , plots , representative strong , so for us to create a true to life of the courtesan .

  7. 但是蒲松龄却用文言文写小说,并且自由地采用唐宋“传奇”的形式和主题。

    Pu instead wrote his stories in the classical idiom , freely adopting forms and themes from the old chuanqi ( " marvel tales " ) of the Tang and Song dynasties .