
  • 网络continental airline
  1. 未来波音的情况可能会更糟,去年刚刚收购了大陆航空公司(ContinentalAirlines)的美国联合航空公司(UnitedAirlines)有望在下月的伦敦范堡罗国际航展(FarnboroughAirshow)上订购100架单通道飞机。

    United Airlines ( UAL ) , which absorbed Continental Airlines last year , is expected to announce a new order for 100 single-aisle aircraft at the Farnborough airshow in the United Kingdom next month .

  2. ITA的数据提供给各大航空公司、旅行社和搜索引擎,如必应、大陆航空公司、Kayak、Orbitz和TripAdvisor。

    ITA makes its data available to wide variety of airline and travel sites and search engines like Bing , Continental Airlines , Kayak , Orbitz , and TripAdvisor .

  3. .周四,从布鲁塞尔出发的一架大陆航空公司(ContinentalAirlinesInc.)波音777客机机长在飞行途中死亡,副机长和换班飞行员驾驶这架飞机降落在新泽西州纽瓦克自由国际机场。

    Backups Land Jet Safely After Pilot Dies A first officer and relief pilot safely landed a Continental Airlines Inc. jetliner Thursday at New Jersey 's Newark Liberty International Airport , hours after the pilot of the Boeing 777 died midflight en route from Brussels .

  4. 在我开始讲话前,请允许我用片刻的时间对今天因大陆航空公司3407航班不幸遇难而丧失亲人的家庭、出事地点克拉伦斯中心(ClarenceCenter)的居民及整个布法罗(Buffalo)社区的人民表达我的哀思并与他们一起祈祷。

    Before I begin , let me just take a moment to say that my thoughts and prayers today are with the families who lost loved ones in the tragic crash of Continental Flight 3407 , with those who live in Clarence Center where this tragedy occurred , and with the entire Buffalo community .

  5. 大陆航空公司计画降低成本

    A costing cutting plan for Continental Airlines

  6. 大陆航空公司一架飞机遭遇严重湍流,被迫转移到迈阿密紧急迫降。

    Severe turbulence forced a Continental Airlines plane to to Miami to make an emergency landing .

  7. 严重的湍流迫使美国大陆航空公司飞机转移到迈阿密紧急降落。

    Severe turbulence forced a Continental Airlines plane to divert to Miami to make an emergency landing .

  8. 大陆航空公司航班上的乘客称,直到着陆他们才知道他们的飞行员已经死亡。

    Passengers on board Continental Airlines flight said they had no idea their pilot had died until they landed .

  9. 美国联合航空公司与大陆航空公司已达成并购协议,组建世界上最大的航空公司。

    US-based United Airlines and Continental Airlines have agreed a deal to merge , creating the world 's biggest carrier .

  10. 美国两家航空公司,联合航空和大陆航空公司宣布了他们的合并协议,这将产生世界最大的航空公司。

    Two US airlines , United and Continental , have announced their merger in a deal that will create the world 's largest airline .

  11. 大陆航空公司称,身故机长现年60岁,在大陆航空公司任职32年,据信为自然死亡。

    The 60-year-old pilot , a 32-year Continental veteran based in Newark , is believed to have died of natural causes , the airline said .

  12. 大陆航空公司称,7名乘客被带往地方医院进行治疗,几十人就在当地进行治疗。

    Continental says seven passengers were taken to an area hospital ( s ) for treatment while dozens more were treated right there at the scene .

  13. 该季度500万美元的利润虽然是微乎其微,但相对于都在亏损的美国、三角洲或是合并组成的联合大陆航空公司来说,情况就好多了。

    Profits were a negligible $ 5m for the quarter , but this was still better than American , Delta or the merged United Continental , all of which lost money .

  14. 现在美国至少有六家航空公司允许乘客使用手机办理登机手续,它们是美国航空公司、大陆航空公司、三角洲航空公司、西北航空公司、西南航空公司和阿拉斯加航空公司。

    At least half a dozen airlines in the United States currently allow customers to check in using their mobile devices , including American , Continental , Delta , Northwest , Southwest and Alaska .

  15. 趁安保人员离开岗位之际,他弯身钻过安全绳索,与女友拥吻,然后两人手挽手走到美国大陆航空公司登机口,目送她登机。

    He slipped under the rope and kissed her and , arm in arm , walked her to her Continental Airlines gate and saw her onto the jetway . " And immediately I left ," he said .

  16. 工人们正在清理周四发生在纽约水牛城的通勤飞机坠毁的遗骸,美国大陆航空公司3407航班垂直落下撞击一处民居,机上48人和地面1人遇难,在家的两个人成功逃离。

    Workers are removing the remains of the victims of Thursday 's commuter plane crash near Buffalo , New York . Continental Connection Flight 3407 plummeted into a house , killing all 49 people on board and one person on the ground , two people in the home managed to escape .

  17. 弗拉纳根打电话给联合航空快运公司(UnitedCargo)的同事,这家当时还被称作美国大陆航空的公司(ContinentalAirlines)在圣诞节当天,将轮椅免费送到了那个男孩手中。

    Flanagan 's calls to colleagues in United Cargo and then-Continental Airlines got the wheelchair delivered , at no charge , on Christmas Day .