
dà xiāo shòu
  • mass selling
  1. 这款全新的Nexus7从7月30日开始登录各大销售平台,包括百思买(BestBuy)、沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)和亚马逊(Amazon)。

    Starting July 30 , this new Nexus 7 is available in a dozen retail outlets including Best Buy , Wal-Mart and Amazon .

  2. 阿黛尔的个人第二张唱片《21》取代迈克尔。杰克逊的经典专辑《Thriller》,成为英国有史以来第五大销售唱片。

    Adele has overtaken Michael Jackson to claim the fifth best-selling album in UK history .

  3. 该部分的业务创造了6亿美元的收入,与去年同期相比上升18.9%,现在已成为苹果公司仅次于iPhone手机的第二大销售来源。

    The division made nearly $ 6bn in revenue , up 18.9 % from the same time last year , and is now the firm 's second-largest sales generator after the iPhone .

  4. 捷列霍夫表示,俄罗斯是他们每年的5大销售市场之一。

    Mr terekhov says Russia was in the top five largest markets they sell to every year .

  5. 因为这些协定可能产生更大销售业绩、促使各代理商在各自分配的地区提供更好的服务以及与其它品牌进行更多的竞争等正效应。

    These agreements may result in greater sales efforts and better service in the dealer 's assigned area , and more competition with other brands .

  6. evenmore还,更这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力。

    The product has even more potential in export markets .

  7. 在美国,联想在销售及配送渠道方面大举投资。此前,IBM的这一业务在美国侧重于向大企业销售。

    It has invested heavily in sales and distribution channels in the US , where IBM had focused on selling to big corporations .

  8. 从科技方面来说,NetApp多向,大公司销售。

    From the technology perspective , NetApp sells mostly to large corporations .

  9. 据大企业销售部的执行副总裁ThomasHogan介绍,HP正关注混合云计算模型,这一领域将迎来私有云和公有云两方面的巨大投资

    HP is focusing on the hybrid cloud computing model expecting significant investment in both private and public clouds , per Thomas Hogan , EVP Enterprise Sales

  10. Kearns的肥皂也在工艺品市场出售,以及华盛顿,马里兰,弗吉尼亚和加利福利亚的各大商店销售。

    Mary Kearns also sells her products at craft fairs and at stores in Washington , D.C , Maryland , Virginia and California .

  11. 本文从市场营销和渠道管理的角度出发,以本人在公司电子辞典科从事大区销售管理工作为基础,对卡西欧公司电子辞典STP营销及销售渠道的重新构建的相关问题进行分析和研究。

    The thesis basis on marketing management and channel management theory discussed problem on STP marketing and distribution channel rebuild of CASIO electronic dictionary products . Firstly , the paper gives the brief introduction about the CASIO CO.

  12. 由Hrithik的父亲和电影制片人拉克什罗斯汉,电影制作将分发和信赖大图片销售。

    Produced by Hrithik 's father and filmmaker Rakesh Roshan , the film will be distributed and marketed by Reliance BIG Pictures .

  13. 本文通过对四川锅炉厂的营销状况与发展采用包括SWOT及STP分析等进行营销战略分析,深入分析企业目前面临的困境:年产值裹足不前,利润不断减少,市场压力大,销售萎缩。

    By means of SWOT and STP analysis of the present sales and development situations of the Sichuan Boiler Works , this paper thoroughly investigates the difficulties the company is facing : turnover is not increasing while profit is decreasing . Under the heavy pressure of market and declined sales .

  14. 了解大客户销售团队的管理技巧。

    To learn the management skill of key account sales group .

  15. 这种产品在亚洲市场上有更大的销售潜力。

    The product has even more potential in Asian markets .

  16. 合理分配、控制大区销售资源,制定费用预算。

    Distribute and monitor regional sales resource reasonably and formulate sales budget .

  17. 很多商店在发奖金期间,进行大减价销售。

    Many shops have bargained sale during the bonus season .

  18. 福特和通用也削减了大客户销售。

    Ford and GM cut fleet sales as well .

  19. 我们的商店大批量销售水果和蔬菜。

    Our store sells fruit and vegetables in bulk .

  20. 协助收款部门完成所在省份各大客户销售团队的收款指标。

    Assist the account receivables to achieve the collection target of the account in the province .

  21. 微软将销售大部分随搜索结果出现的广告,雅虎则负责面对面向大客户销售广告。

    Microsoft will distribute most ads accompanying search results , while Yahoo handles in-person sales to large accounts .

  22. 较大的房子价格反而低&WEKA告诉我们房子越大,销售价格越低?

    Bigger houses reduce the value & WEKA is telling us that the bigger our house is , the lower the selling price ?

  23. 随着企业不断发展及壮大,对现金流的需求也越来越大,销售回款也就显得越来越重要。

    With the continued development and growth , the demand for cash flow increasing , it appears more and more important Sales Outstanding .

  24. 杂志所作的研究发现,许多大超市销售的沙拉甚至比快餐食品和巧克力更不健康。

    Many on sale at leading stores are more unhealthy than a diet of fast food and chocolate , research by Which ? found .

  25. 同时,公司还承接各大外贸销售公司的来样原单加工包装,并且严格按照客户要求进行生产、加工、装箱。

    At the same time , the company also undertake to sample processing packaging strictly according to customer requirements and production , processing , packing .

  26. 只是在偶然的时刻,在她的潜意识中会产生出少量激动的震动。这种产品在出口市场上甚至会有更大的销售潜力。

    Only now and again , violent little shudders would come over her , out of her subconsciousness The product has even more potential in export markets .

  27. 区域销售支持队伍,大客户销售支持和技术支持。因此,第一周的票房销售显得尤为关键。

    Area sales support teams , key account sales support and technical support officer . Oddly , this has made the opening weekend 's box-office sales more important .

  28. 近年来国内银行保险呈现出蓬勃发展的现象,银行保险一举成为保险公司尤其是寿险公司三大主销售渠道之一。

    The Bancassurance , flourishing in recent years , has become one of the three major marketing channels of most insurance companies , especially in life insurance business .

  29. 我们在许多方面都需要做出决策:小到开会地点,大到销售费用的战略性分配,因此对领导者来说,最重要的就是决策能力。

    Decision-making is a top leadership competency because it pops up everywhere , from the simple choice of where to hold a staff meeting to the strategic options of where to spend marketing dollars .

  30. 新流程具有很强的操作性,可以广泛的应用于实际的工作中,也期望对我国电信企业的大客户销售流程的流程再造实践能有所裨益。

    The new process has a strong operational , and can be widely used in work . It also be hoped that the practice can be beneficial to the carriers in key account sales process reengineering .