
  • 网络large span structure;large-span structure;long-span structures
  1. 因此,国内外已有不少学者对大跨结构开展了深入的研究。

    So far many deep studies have been done for long-span structures world widely .

  2. 在实际使用过程中,这些轻型大跨结构由于其自身刚度小、基频低、阻尼低等特点,在人的活动的作用下极易产出较明显的竖向振动(人致振动)甚至共振。

    In the actual process , these light long-span structures suffer excessive vibrations even resonance under human activities because of its low stiffness , natural frequency and damping .

  3. 典型高空大跨结构施工支撑体系的设计研究

    Design Study of Construction Support System of a Typical High-level Large-span Structure

  4. 后浇大跨结构施工方案探讨与实施

    Discussion and Application of Post-cast Program in Large Span Structure

  5. 对大跨结构的安装进行质量控制研究,包括:材料质量控制、构件拼装质量控制、焊接质量控制、结构变形控制等。

    Make some study in how to control the quality of the installation .

  6. 索桁架是体现张拉整体结构思想的一种大跨结构[20]。

    The prestressed cable is a long-span structure which represents tensegrity structure thought .

  7. 大跨结构风模拟及其小波分析

    Wind simulation and wavelet analysis for long-span spatial structure

  8. 预应力板柱结构是大跨结构中应用较多的结构形式,得到了越来越广泛的应用。

    Prestressed slab-column structure is a structure form which is widely used in large span structures .

  9. 多点输入下大跨结构地震反应的频域精细传递矩阵法

    Precise transfer matrix method for seismic response analysis of long-span structure under multi-support excitation in frequency domain

  10. 大跨结构;

    Large span structures ;

  11. 张弦梁结构是近年来发展起来的一种新型大跨结构形式。

    The beam string structure is one kind of new greatly cross structural style which the recent years developed .

  12. 通过分析可知,两种方法均可实现大跨结构,直接法的有更好的经济性能。

    Through the analysis we can realize big span structure by both means , but direct truss has better performance .

  13. 结果显示:预应力混凝土板和预应力混凝土空心板运用到大跨结构中是比较经济合理的。

    Results show : unbonded prestressed floorslab and unbonded prestressed hollow floorslab used in large-span structure is more economic and reasonable .

  14. 大跨结构柱脚锚固性能是抗震设计的关键之一。

    The anchorage performance of steel column base of large span structure is one of the key problems in seismic design .

  15. 索作为一种高效地承受拉力的结构构件,广泛地应用于桥梁、高耸、大跨结构等工程中。

    As a kind of structural element which supports tension efficiently , cable is widely used in bridge , High-rise and large-span structure .

  16. 提出一种新型屋架结构&Γ型柱抛物线三铰拱空间桁架组合大跨结构,导出了该结构有关的设计计算公式。

    This papaer presents a new structure , which is compound large span structures of Γ frame parabolical three hinged arch space truss .

  17. 纵观时间位移历程图可以看到,相位差对该结构的影响是明显的,对这种大跨结构宜考虑相位差的影响。

    From the graph of time-history , it was known that the influence of phase difference was apparent , and should be calculated .

  18. 提出一种综合考虑行波和地形影响的大跨结构在多点输入下的地震响应分析方法。

    A method of seismic response analysis for long-span bridges considering the synthetic effects of wave-traveling , topography and multi-support excitations is established .

  19. 工程实践表明,钢-混凝土组合梁用于大跨结构,具有显著的技术经济效益和社会效益。

    This application practice showed that steel concrete composite beams are very suitable for long span structures and have good technical and economic results .

  20. 以拟建的大跨结构为例,运用有限元方法分析了无比钢结构实现大跨结构的两种方法:直接法、层叠桁架法,并分析了两种方法的经济性;

    Then take a big span structure for example , analyzing two means & direct truss and cascade truss to realize span integra structure .

  21. 介绍了大跨结构后浇的运用实例,对同类工程的实际施工有参考意义。

    An actual application example of post-cast program in large span struction is introduced , which may be good for reference to similar projects .

  22. 阐述大跨结构用振型分解反应谱法计算竖向地震作用的理论依据;

    In this paper the theoretical of the vertical earthquake action of long span structure calculated by the multi-vibration mode reaction spectrum method is presented ;

  23. 并阐述了该技术在施工中应注意的事项及其优点,得出了空心板在大跨结构中优于实心板的结论。

    The technology attention in construction is focused with the merit , the hollow slab is prior to the solid slab in large span structure .

  24. 本文介绍的结构方案是:Γ型柱抛物线三铰拱空间桁架组合大跨结构,按固体力学力学分析的方法,导出了杆件的内力计算公式。

    This paper presents a plan of fhe structure , which is compound Larg - span structures of Γ farme parabolical three hinged arch space-truss .

  25. 针对大跨结构的风振响应特点,研究多目标等效静风荷载的分析方法,并采用该方法对国家体育场等效静风荷载进行了研究。

    According to characteristics of large-span structures , a methodology was proposed to analyse the equivalent static wind load for multiple targets of China 's National Stadium .

  26. 风荷载是作用在结构上的重要动力荷载之一,尤其对于高层、高耸及大跨结构来说,设计中必须考虑风荷载的作用。

    Wind load is one of the major dynamic loads on structures . Especially for high and long span buildings , it must be considered in the design .

  27. 此外,上世纪八十年代,一架轻型飞机坠入巴西圣保罗展览中心屋顶网架,也证明了飞行物撞击大跨结构的可能性。

    Besides , an airplane was forced to land the grid structure roof of Sao Paulo Exhibition Center in 1980s . It also proved the possibility that the large-span structures might be impacted .

  28. 基于张弦梁结构合理的受力性能,以及大跨结构在我国广阔的发展空间,这种结构必将得到推广应用。

    Because of the reasonable mechanical performance of BSS and the broad developmental space of the large span structure in our country , it is sure that the structure will be used more and more widely .

  29. 由于建筑功能及特殊工艺需要,钢筋混凝土框架变梁变柱异型中节点(后简称异型节点)广泛出现在大型大跨结构中。

    Abnormal concrete frame interior joint with abrupt beam and column section ( hereinafter called " abnormal joint ") is widely appeared in large-scale or large-span structure , to meet the architectural function and special process of industry .

  30. 文中分析了钢结构的特点,总结了钢结构在高层结构、大跨结构、住宅结构、轻钢结构和钢管混凝土结构中的发展与应用。

    This paper analyses characteristics of steel structure , sums up development and application of steel structure in high rise structures , large span structures , dwelling house structures , lightweight structures and concrete filled into steel tube structures .