
  • 网络Dock Gate;caisson
  1. 利用ADAMS分析研究了气控式卧倒坞门的起卧运动特性,完成了对气控式卧倒坞门系统动态仿真。

    In the paper , the uprising-downfall movement characteristics of the dry dock gate are researched by ADAMS .

  2. 研究了气控式卧倒坞门仿真模型的参数化方法和过程,并在ADAMS中完成了系统的动力学分析,绘制出了坞门在起浮过程中起浮倾角关于时间的仿真曲线。

    In this paper , the building method of the dry dock gate 's parametric model is studied and the dynamic analysis is accomplished in ADAMS , furthermore , the uprising angle curve is drawn while the dry dock gate is uprising .

  3. 坞门吊装吊索受力计算

    The Door Stress Calculation of Slings for Installation of Dock Gate

  4. 卧倒式坞门干式立吊安装

    Vertical Lifting and Installation of Flap Dock Gate in the Dry

  5. 气控式卧倒坞门专用仿真系统的研究。

    The research on special simulative system of the dry dock gate .

  6. 气控式卧倒坞门系统动态特性优化分析的研究;

    The research on optimization of the dry dock gate ;

  7. 气控式卧倒坞门工艺设计的研究;

    The Door the research on the dry dock gate 's technology design ;

  8. 干船坞坞门及灌水排水系统设计规范

    Code for design of dock gates and filling and emptying systems of dry docks

  9. 干船坞气控式坞门的设计和动态仿真

    Design and Dynamic Simulation of Dry Dock Gate

  10. 丄形浮坞门的特点分析

    Analysis of Characteristics of 1-Shaped Floating Dock Gate

  11. 次日上午,在炮竹声中,坞门合拢仪式正式举行。

    The next morning , with the sound of firecrackers , the dock gate closure ceremony was held .

  12. 开口铰座气动卧倒坞门工艺设计与试验研究

    Technological Design and Experiment of Up-and - Down Dock Door Controlled by Compress Air and with Open Bearing

  13. 研究了气控式卧倒坞门的结构设计,详细探讨了利用有限元法进行气控式卧倒坞门的结构设计。

    The design of the dry dock gate 's structure is researched , which is discussed detailedly on base of finite element method .

  14. 深入了解干船坞气控卧倒门系统的动态特性,以便缩短坞门的设计周期,节约试验费用;

    The dynamic behavior of pneumatic horizontal dry dock gate [ DK ] 's system is deeply studied to reduce design time and test cost .
