
  1. 唐代佛教与史学之间彼此互有影响。

    Buddhism and the historiography in Tang Dynasty influenced each other .

  2. 唐代佛教著述的时空分布特征

    The Space-time Characteristics of Buddhism Works ' Distribution in Tang Dynasty

  3. 蒲江邛崃唐代佛教摩崖造像的题材和编年

    Theme and Chronicle of Buddhist Cliff Carvings in Pujiang and Qionglai

  4. 唐代佛教寺院文化与诗歌创作

    Culture of Buddhist Temple and the Creation of Poetry in the Tang Dynasty

  5. 奉先寺大像龛石窟造像艺术&兼论唐代佛教造像的世俗性

    The Artistic Statues in Grottoes of Fengxian Temple On the Secularity of Buddhism Statues in Tang Dynasty

  6. 唐代佛教寺院经济发展到了兴盛阶段,其经济活动和整个社会生活有着密切的联系。

    Buddhism Economy achieved great development in Tang dynasty , and had important touch with the whole society .

  7. 从敦煌佛教歌辞对民间流行的俗曲乐调的大量应用来看,唐代佛教教化的对象重在民间。

    The application of folk popular melodies in Buddhist odes shows that most Buddhists existed in the civilian of Tang dynasty .

  8. 这些佛教刻经,对研究唐代佛教宗派、佛教信仰的流行情况等提供了珍贵的第一手资料。

    They have thus provided the first-hand materials to study different Buddhist Sects and beliefs in Buddhism of the Tang Dynasty .

  9. 唐代佛教发展为佛经文学的传播营造了广阔的社会空间。

    The development of Buddhist in Tang Dynasty provided a broad social space for the transmission of the literature of Buddhist scripture .

  10. 更值得一提的是,较之前代,唐代佛教的传播主要是佛僧取道通过海上丝绸之路传播的。

    Compared with the ways taken by Buddhists in previous dynasties , the most important is that the Buddhists mainly chose the Maritime Silk Road to spread the Buddhism .

  11. 两者结合起来进行研究,对於揭示唐代佛教刺繍(主要是净土刺绣)活动之光盛具有重要的历史价值和文学价值。

    The combination of the two parts is very necessary to do the research . These masteries have important historical value and literary value to reveal the Tang Dynasty Buddhist embroidery ( mainly the rise of Pure Land embroidery ) activities .

  12. 本文通过对唐代佛教人物画创作进行系统全面的梳理,分析唐代佛教人物画整体创作状况,丰富中国绘画史研究内容,借鉴唐代对于异质文化的吸收,具有一定的理论价值。

    Based on the Tang Dynasty Buddhist figure painting systematically sorted out of Tang Dynasty Buddhist Painting whole creation , rich content of History of Chinese Painting , drawing in the Tang Dynasty to the absorption of different cultures , has some theoretical value .

  13. 从唐代民间佛教看文明交往和文明对话

    Analyzing Civilized Intercourse and Communication from Civilian Buddhism in Tang Dynasty On Civilized City

  14. 第二章分析了唐代长安佛教文学的时代及地域特征。

    Chapter II focuses on the geographical and times characteristics of Chang ' an Buddhist literature in Tang Dynasty .

  15. 第三章探讨了唐代长安佛教广泛传播的深层社会原因。

    The third chapter discusses the underlying social causes of the dissemination of Buddhism in the Tang Dynasty Chang ' an .

  16. 中国古代的山水观与宗教的发展有着密不可分的关系,其中唐代的佛教和道教对山水诗的发展有着重要的影响。

    There is an inseparable relationship between the Chinese ancient landscape concept and the development of religion . Buddhism and Taoism in Tang Dynasty have an important impact on the development of landscape poetry .

  17. 唐代是佛教发展的鼎盛时期,而寺庙作为佛教的标志性建筑,从事佛事活动的场所,其数量亦随着佛教的发展日益庞大。

    The Tang Dynasty was the heyday of the development of the Buddhism , then temples as a landmark of the Buddhism and a place for Buddhist activities were increasing with the development of the Buddhism .

  18. 唐代思想家与佛教僧人交往的原因&读刘禹锡送僧诗

    Reasons for the Contact between Thinkers and Buddhists in Tang Dynasty

  19. 从唐墓志看唐代妇女与佛教的关系

    Relationship Between the women and Buddhism Illustrated by Epitaph of the Tang Dynasty

  20. 文章以个案分析,揭示了唐代思想家与佛教僧人交往的具体原因。

    From individual cases , the concrete reasons for the contact between thinkers and Buddhists in Tang Dynasty are given .

  21. 慧超是唐代著名的佛教学者,也是一个伟大的宗教旅行家。

    This paper gives a brief account of Hui Chao 's life as a famous scholar of Buddhism and an outstanding religious traveler .

  22. 唐代翻译的佛教医籍数量少于魏晋南北朝时期;

    Second , the quantity of medicine books of Buddhism translated in Tang Dynasty is less than that in Wei , Jin , South and North Dynasties .

  23. 唐代文人研习佛教理论成为风习,通过与各宗大师的广泛交流,佛学的精深义理已逐渐被他们接受并掌握,并植入到他们的世界观、人生观、审美观之中。

    In the Tang Dynasty , intellectuals studied Buddhist theory very popularly . Through extensive exchanges with masters of Buddhist sects , they had gradually accepted and mastered deep moral principles of Buddhism and implanted it into their outlook of the world , life and aesthetics .

  24. 唐代诸帝与佛教的社会发展

    Buddhism and the Tang Emperors

  25. 唐代至宋代,佛教艺文地理分布在空间上拓展,内涵上加强。

    From the tang dynasty to song dynasty , buddhist art geographical distribution has developed in space and strengthened in connotation .

  26. 早在唐代之前的早期佛教传播中,就有不少中外佛僧取道海上丝绸之路求法巡礼。

    In the early time of Buddhism spreading before Tang Dynasty , many Chinese and foreign Buddhists spread the Buddhism via the Maritime Silk Road .

  27. 其表现语言特点紧紧围绕宗教宣扬的题材,用唐代特有的风格特点来描绘唐代佛教的主流信仰。

    The performance characteristics of its language closely around the theme of religion advocated by the unique style of the Tang Dynasty to describe the characteristics of the mainstream of the Buddhist belief in the Tang Dynasty .

  28. 舍宫为寺是唐代非常重要的社会现象,某种意义上它反映了唐代皇室对佛教信仰的热衷程度。

    Giving up the palace to temples was an important social phenomenon , which , in some degree , reflected the enthusiasms for Buddhism of the royal household in Tang dynasty .