
  1. 爱情不分贫富。

    Love lives in cottages as well as in courts . ; Poor or rich , love first .

  2. 爱情不等于婚姻,情人不等于老婆。

    I want marriage and a wife , not love and girlfriend .

  3. 爱情不分贫贱与高贵。

    Love lives in cottage as well as in courts .

  4. 爱情不单是个词语它有太多太多对人倾诉

    Love is more than a word It says so much

  5. 时下青少年对爱情不认真。

    Teenagers today do not take their love affairs seriously .

  6. 我相信,爱情不分国界。

    I believe , there is not boundary of love .

  7. 爱情不在了,我们就可以看到所有的缺点了。

    When love fails , we can see all faults .

  8. 爱情不应该是蓄水池,而是活着的喷泉。

    Love should not be a reservoir , but the living fountain .

  9. 希望上帝保佑你的爱情不两手空空。

    God forbid love ever leave you empty handed .

  10. 珍惜生活,珍惜身边人,让爱情不去比较。

    Cherish life , cherish the people around , make love not more .

  11. 绝望的爱情不总是如此吗?

    In desperate love , it 's always like this , isn 't it ?

  12. 爱情不停站想开往地老天荒需要多勇敢!

    How brave I should be to get a persistent love which never stops !

  13. 爱情不应该如此忧郁。

    Love shouldn 't be so melancholy .

  14. 爱情不单是个词语

    Love Is More than a Word

  15. 没有了初次见面的怦然心动,没有了恋爱的感觉,你的爱情不复存在?

    Love 's first fading ? Lost that loving feeling ? Love is not all around ?

  16. 她知道她的爱情不可能实现,然而她也知道它是控制不了的。

    She knew that her love was impossible but she knew also that it was beyond control .

  17. 爱情不必须教导。

    Love needs no teaching .

  18. 男性成了女性悲剧人生的直接制造者,美好的爱情不复存在。

    The male has become the feminine tragedy life direct manufacturer , the happy love does not exist .

  19. 如果爱情不顺利,集中精力在如何修复你在办公室的声誉。

    If the romance does go south , focus on ways to repair your reputation at the office .

  20. 爱情不在于相貌,年龄,样子,它仅仅来自于你的内心。

    Love sees no color , ege , or looks , but only sees what in your heart .

  21. 爱情不在于相互凝视,而在于共同往外朝同一个方向凝视。

    Love does not consist in gazing at each other but in looking outward together in the same direction .

  22. 爱情不应是时间玩偶,其弯镰虽然会来刈割玫瑰,红颜难留:

    Love 's not Time 's fool , though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle 's compass come :

  23. 爱情不在于精确地计算。不在于每一次新鲜的尝试。不在于错误和原谅。不在于盲目或崇拜。

    Love doesn 't lie in the accurate calculating , new attempt , fault and forgiveness , or blindness and adoration .

  24. 爱情不在于说多少次“我爱你”,而在于怎样去证明你说的是真的。

    Love is not how many times you say'I love you ' , but rather how many actions you take to prove it .

  25. 真正的爱情不在于你知道他有多好才要在一起,而是明知道他有太多的不好还是不愿意离开。

    The love is not that you know he just how good to be together , but know that he has not or would not leave too much .

  26. 然而,就像一只充满智慧的老鼠在壁脚板之后发出吱吱的声响,也有妇女接受这种颠覆正统的想法:也许这高高在上的爱情不见得就是通往绝对幸福这一天堂之路。

    However , there are women who entertain the subversive notion , like an intellectual mouse scratching behind the skirting board , that perhaps this higher love is not necessarily the celestial highway to absolute happiness .

  27. 我终于使她相信,爱情是不可以强求的。

    Finally I convinced her that love could not be forced .

  28. 漂亮的人挥霍爱情,不漂亮的人珍惜爱情。

    Beautiful people spend love , not beautiful people cherish the love .

  29. 爱情就是不考虑自己的幸福却使他人快乐。

    Love is not thinking about your happiness but making others happy .

  30. 你是说没有经济基础的爱情是不可能的?

    Are you saying that love is impossible without money ?