
  1. 去年发生了一系列涉及在中国食品中发现致癌物质的事件,从咸鸭蛋里的工业染料苏丹红,到豆腐里含有甲醛等。

    Last year saw a string of incidents involving carcinogens found in Chinese food , from the industrial dye Sudan red in salted duck eggs to formaldehyde in sheets of tofu .

  2. 吃了一口,豆腐把身里烫开一条路;

    One mouthful , and the beancurd seemed to burn its way down his throat .

  3. 在拥挤的餐桌边,人们谈论的话题往往是,“姆妈”政府提供了这么便宜的伙食,而且就餐地点离家或办公室这么近,大家是多么高兴(在菜单上没有臭豆腐的日子里,我往往会更加感激。)

    Conversation at the cramped tables often revolves around how happy we all are that the Nanny provides such cheap fare , so close to our homes or offices . ( I tend to be more grateful on days when stinky tofu is left off the menu . )

  4. 然后他把这些豆腐放进坛子里。

    Then he put it into a crock .