
  • 网络Buchanania latifolia
  1. 本文选择具有镇静安眠止痛作用的豆腐果素为模型药物,根据其理化性质和胃肠道吸收特点,设计研制12h缓释微丸。

    According to the physicochemical properties and absorption characteristic of Helicidum in rats , its 12h sustained-release pellets were developed in this paper .

  2. 以豆腐果苷为原料,通过Mannich反应与取代苯胺和脂肪酮共合成了七个豆腐果苷衍生物,均未见文献报道。

    Seven novel helicid derivatives have been designed and synthesized by the Mannich reaction of helicid with substituted aniline and aliphatic ketone .

  3. 豆腐果苷对慢性神经病理性疼痛大鼠热痛觉过敏及脊髓背角p-CREB表达的影响

    The effect of Helicid on thermal hyperalgesia and expression of p-CREB in spinal cord dorsal horn in a rat model of neuropathic pain

  4. 分别以Surelease、EudragitRS30D/RL30D为包衣材料,制备豆腐果素缓释微丸,通过实验设计筛选两种材料的包衣工艺。

    To investigate the coating formulation and technique of Helicidum Sustained-release pellets , Surelease 、 Eudragit RS30D / RL30D as coating material were used to prepare Helicidum Sustained-release pellets respectively by fluidized bed coater . Factorial design was used to screen the technique .

  5. 结果未观察到豆腐果苷对大鼠的母体毒性;

    Results The neurobehavioral toxicity was not observed in all treated rats .

  6. 豆腐果苷的结构修饰及其镇静催眠活性研究(Ⅱ)

    Structure Modification of Helicid and Their Hypnotic-Sedative Activity Research (ⅱ);

  7. 结论:豆腐果苷素胶囊具有延长睡眠时间和安神的作用。

    Conclusion : hilicidum capsule is take on operation of prolong sleep time .

  8. 豆腐果苷口腔崩解片的研究

    Studies on Orally Disintegrating Tablet of Helicid

  9. 有机概念图在中药提取和剂型设计中应用豆腐果苷新剂型与药物动力学研究

    Application of organic concept chart to extraction and dosage form design of traditional Chinese medicine

  10. 目的:探讨胚胎期豆腐果苷接触对大鼠仔代早期神经行为发育的毒性。

    Objective : To study the effect of Helicid on early neurobehavioral development in Wistar rats'offspring .

  11. 结论:豆腐果苷对大鼠仔代的早期生理发育及中枢神经系统的发育没有影响。

    Conclusion : Helicid had no effects on the early development of central nervous system in rat offspring .

  12. 前言:目的:通过药效学实验,观察了豆腐果苷素胶囊对小鼠睡眠时间的影响。

    Objective : overpass experiment of pharmacology , effect of hilicidum capsule for Sleep time of younger mouse .

  13. 目的:研究三维打印工艺对控释片中豆腐果苷释放的影响。

    AIM : To investigate the influence of three dimentional printing processes ( 3DP ) on the release of controlled-release helicid tablet .

  14. 豆腐果甙对小鼠脑谷氨酸脱羧酶和γ-氨基丁酸转氨酶活性的影响

    Studies of effects of Helicid on glutamate decarboxylase and γ - aminobutyric acid transaminase in mouse brain by using isotope paper chromatography

  15. 结果:实验结果表明,豆腐果苷素胶囊具有一定的安眠作用,能延长戊巴比妥钠阈剂量小鼠睡眠时间。

    Result : Experiments result says , hilicidum capsule take on some function of whist , it has sleep time of younger mouse in pentobarbitalum threshold dosage .

  16. 大量的动物实验和临床研究提示其口服吸收差和生物利用度低的重要原因可能是较差的脂溶性和独特的药动学性质所致,并严重阻碍了豆腐果甙在临床上的广泛应用。

    Many animal experiments and clinical studies suggested that the important reason for poor oral absorption and low bioavailability may be the low oil-solubility and its unique pharmacokinetics , and it was seriously hampered widely used in clinic .

  17. 豆腐柴果胶的纯化及其理化性质研究

    Purification and Physicochemical Properties of Pectin from Premna microphylla