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  • 网络Bean Mud
  1. 她要吃皮塔饼和鹰嘴豆泥,我就把面包切成完美的三角形,从她的柜橱找出精致的小碗,小心翼翼盛上三种蘸酱,就像托马斯·凯勒(ThomasKeller,美国名厨——译注)在身边监视。

    When she asked for a pita and hummus , I cut the bread into perfect little triangles , found elegant small bowls in her cupboards , and carefully quenelled three dipping options , as if Thomas Keller were watching over my shoulder .

  2. 温暖的火炕上,六只手合力把豆泥堆砌成型。

    On the heated bed , six hands work together to pile the smashed beans into shape .

  3. 黎巴嫩的许多菜肴都风靡整个中东地区,比如鹰嘴豆泥&一种美味的鹰嘴豆酱。

    Many dishes , such as hummus , a delicious chickpea spread , are pervasive throughout the Middle East .

  4. 只有气球,鹰嘴豆泥,还有不一定来的厄尔。

    No , no , and no. I got some balloons , a hummus tray , and possibly Earl .

  5. 我还记得我第一次去特拉维夫吃鹰嘴豆泥的情景:刚从沙滩尽兴归来,准备享受鹰嘴豆丸子,然而这时候飞机还差几小时就要起飞了。

    I remember my first Tel Aviv falafel , steps from the beach and only hours off the plane .

  6. 我们去薯条店吃了套餐:炸鱼、炸薯条、小黄瓜、豆泥。

    We went to the chip shop and had the works : fish , chips , gherkins , mushy peas .

  7. 或者再简单一点,做一份红椒鹰嘴豆泥,作为你失眠时候的小食吧。

    Or use this easy recipe for spiced red-pepper hummus to have a healthy snack on hand when you can 't sleep .

  8. 除此以外,营养专家给予豆腐、寿司、鹰嘴豆泥、红酒、虾的健康评分也比公众的打分高出许多。

    In addition , tofu , sushi , hummus , wine and shrimp were all rated as significantly more healthful by nutritionists than by the public .

  9. 除了一盘又一盘堆得满满的烤肉,还有裹着芝麻糊的海枣、西瓜、鹰嘴豆泥、黄瓜西红柿沙拉、腌菜和汤。

    In addition to heaping platters of the famous kebab , there were dates coated with sesame paste , watermelon , hummus , cucumber and tomato salad , pickles and soup .

  10. 健康的加餐包括:花生酱、香蕉、鹰嘴豆泥,或者一个苹果加一个低脂奶酪。

    Be sure to include healthy carbs and protein in each snack such as : peanut butter and banana , trail mix , hummus and baby carrots , or an apple with low-fat Cheddar cheese .

  11. 菲比是唯一准备好出门的人,但一团鹰嘴豆泥弄脏了她的礼服,于是女孩儿们又忙着帮她清理污渍。

    Phoebe is the only one dressed and ready to go , until a giant glob of hummus besmirches her gown and she and the other girls attempt to clean the spot and cover it up .

  12. 在特拉维夫的大排档,你还可以加上鹰嘴豆泥、泡菜、烤茄子沙拉、山羊奶酪薯条(直接夹到里面),还有各类值得冒险尝试的酱汁。

    At Tel Aviv falafel stands , you can also add hummus , pickled veggies , roasted eggplant salad , feta cheese , French fries ( just stuff ' em in ) and a wide assortment of adventurous hot sauces .

  13. 但如果你在贝鲁特,就不能错过品尝“餐前小菜”——包括以鹰嘴豆泥、烟熏茄子酱等作为蘸酱的多种开胃菜、新鲜蔬菜、橄榄以及膨松的面包。这种餐前小菜本身就可作为一顿饭。

    But when you 're in Beirut , don 't leave without trying mezze , a selection of starters with dips like hummus and the smoky eggplant baba ganoush , fresh vegetables , olives and leavened bread that could be a meal in itself .

  14. 在墨西哥街头美食小摊处,你会发现其他令人垂涎欲滴的馅料,比如:土豆和切碎的西班牙腊肠、仙人掌、南瓜花、腌制的蘑菇、墨西哥玉米松露(玉米蘑菇)、炸豆泥和各式各样或烤或慢火烹调的熟肉。

    At Mexican street stalls , you 'll find mouth-watering fillings like potato and crumbled chorizo sausage , nopal ( cactus ) , squash blossoms , saut é ed mushrooms , huitlacoche ( an earthy corn fungus ) , refried beans , and all varieties of grilled or slow-cooked meats .

  15. 我们尝试了一份素食者农夫拼盘(牛油果鹰嘴豆泥、辣红薯和藜麦塔博勒色拉,19美元)、野生蘑菇调味饭(17美元)、鲜墨西哥胡椒汁拌辣甘蓝沙拉(10美元)和一个芝士汉堡(14元)。

    We tried a vegetarian farmer 's board ( avocado hummus , spicy sweet potato and quinoa tabbouleh , $ 19 ) ; wild mushroom risotto ( $ 17 ) ; spicy kale salad sprinkled with fresh jalape ñ os ( $ 10 ) ; and a cheeseburger ( $ 14 ) .