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  • 网络diamond;tetrapod
  1. 丹尼打开又合上那个建议菱形块时,数到五十一。

    Danny counts to fifty-one as he opens and closes the advice diamond .

  2. 珍妮看着建议菱形块里面。

    Jenny looks inside the advice diamond .

  3. 川滇菱形块体主要边界运动模型的GPS数据反演分析

    GPS inversion of kinematic model of the main boundaries of the rhombus block in Sichuan and Yunnan

  4. 用线性四叉树成熟的Morton编码作为关键字来标识菱形块,发展了具有固定方向(fixedorientation)的块层次编码技术及邻近搜索算法。

    The quadtree Morton code is used as the index for addressing the Diamonds and a hierarchical coding scheme of Diamonds is developed based on its fixed orientation .

  5. 根据地质资料和GPS资料,在断层分布密集的地区用模拟断层的位错替代多断层位错,建立了川滇菱形块体东边界的非震位错模型。

    On the basis of geological and GPS data , we proposed an aseismic negative dislocation model of east boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan block , which uses the dislocation of a simulated fault to replace the dislocation of multi-fault .

  6. 例如,英国设计师品牌StellaMcCartney就发布了一系列饰有皮草菱形块的充满时尚感的马海毛毛衣。

    For example , UK designer Stella McCartney revealed a line of stylish mohair sweaters with fur trim diamonds .

  7. 利用川滇地区1991&1999年的高精度GPS观测处理结果,采用稳健-贝叶斯最小二乘算法与多断裂位错模型,分析研究了川滇菱形块体主要边界运动的定量模型。

    Based on GPS observation between 1991 and 1999 in Sichuan and Yunnan , we apply the robust Baye 's least squares estimation and multi fault dislocation models to analyze the kinematic models of the main boundaries of the rhombus block in Sichuan and Yunnan .

  8. 在球面四元三角格网(QTM)基础上,以菱形块(Diamonds)作为基本单元,构建了全球离散格网的分块层次模型。

    In this paper , a hierarchical model of the global discrete grids is approached based on quaternary triangular mesh ( QTM ), in which Diamonds are regarded as basic units .

  9. 自适应菱形块图像编码分析

    Analysis on the adaptive image encoding based on the diamond blocks

  10. 川滇菱形块构造应力场的数值模拟

    Numerical simulation of tectonic stress field in Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block

  11. 川滇菱形块体边界的现今地壳形变

    The Recent Crustal Deformation in Sichuan-Yunnan Rhombic Block Boundary

  12. 图像菱形块自适应矢量量化压缩编码

    Adaptive vector quantization compress coling of rhomb image

  13. 她向丹尼展示她的菱形块。

    She shows Danny her diamond .

  14. 康滇菱形块体的边界断裂具有不同的密度特征,显示出不同的构造性质。

    The boundary faults of Kangdian block are of different density features , suggesting different tectonic signification .

  15. 川滇菱形块体近廿年中强地震形变前兆异常分布特征

    Abnormal distribution characteristics of crustal deformation about Sichuan-Yunnan prism block before and after medium-strong earthquakes for last 20 years

  16. 塑性流动网络控制下川滇菱形块体及邻区构造应力场与地震构造

    Tectonic stress field and seismic tectonics controlled by plastic-flow network in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block and its adjacent areas

  17. 菱形块,一个钻石的口音,是在石头之间的定位,创造一个有吸引力的模式。

    Diamond-shaped pieces , and a single diamond accent , are positioned in between the stones , creating an attractive pattern .

  18. 与地质结果的差异表明,川滇菱形块体的现今地壳运动由北往南逐渐增强;

    The results indicate that the crustal movement of the area in north and west are stronger than that of south and east .

  19. 川滇应力区东边界(东边的应力转换带)基本上与川滇菱形块体的东边界相吻合;

    The eastern boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan stress zone ( the eastern stress transition belt ) is basically consistent with the eastern boundary of Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block .

  20. 川滇菱形块体东西两侧的分界线红河断裂和小江断裂可能是直立的缝合线或碰撞带。

    The western and eastern boundaries of Sichuan Yunnan rhombus block , i.e. , Honghe and Xiaojiang faults , might be an erection seam or collision belt .

  21. 川滇菱形块体在地壳内总体上为正常或正异常速度,而其边界的深大走滑断裂存在负速度异常,它有助于地壳块体沿断裂的侧向挤出。

    The crustal velocity in the Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic block generally shows normal value or positive anomaly , while the negative anomaly exists in the area along the large strike-slip faults as the block boundary .

  22. 菱形块体的现今水平形变以左旋走滑运动为主,垂直形变速率较低,且呈上盘抬升与下降交替出现的运动特征;

    The left-lateral strike-slip movement is the main horizontal deformation , the rate of the vertical deformation is less than horizontal deformation , and showed the character that fault hanging wall uplift alternates with down .

  23. 整个西部地区东边缘的东向运动表现为南强北弱的左旋特征川滇菱形块体不是逃逸块体而是变形块体;

    That the eastward movement in east edge of the western China is stronger in south and weaker in north ; that the rhombic Sichuan Yunnan Block is not a escape block but a deformation block ;

  24. 四边简支菱形平面单块扭壳研究

    The study of single twisted shell with rhombic plane

  25. 基于新型十字&菱形搜索的块匹配算法

    New Cross-Diamond Search Algorithm for Block Based Motion Estimation

  26. 创新的高效方向性菱形-弧形快速块匹配运动估计算法

    Novel Oriented Arc-Diamond search algorithm for Fast Block Motion Estimation

  27. 该算法与菱形(DS)和十字-菱形块(CDS)匹配算法相比,在保证搜索质量的前提下,其搜索速度分别可以提高60%和35%。

    The algorithm is compared with diamond-search ( DS ) and cross-diamond-search ( CDS ) algorithms , and its search speed can increase 60 % and 35 % .