
  • 网络taco
  1. 多年来,这种餐车(通常都是些破旧不堪的车辆)到建筑工地上兜售一般的廉价食物,主要是玉米面豆卷(tacos)和汉堡。

    For many years the trucks offered cheap basic fare , mainly tacos and burgers from often shabby vehicles , at places such as building sites .

  2. 同样,玉米饼以及玉米面豆卷发源于墨西哥。

    Burritos and tacos similarly have their origins in Mexico .

  3. 好的,我们要六个玉米豆卷。

    All right , we 'll take six tacos .

  4. 两天后,我还在汽车排气口掏令人反胃的玉米面豆卷

    Two days later , I am still digging regurgitated tacos out of the car vents

  5. 贵州大豆病毒病多表现中或重感、叶斑病高抗的材料较多,豆秆蝇、豆稍蝇及豆卷叶螟及抗性材料少或无。

    Guizhou soybean appears middle or heavy infection to the virus disease . There are many materials with high leaf-spot resistance and few or no materials with soybean stem fly resistanced and soybean leaf roller .