
  1. 试验结果表明,10%博邦水分散剂在贵阳花溪的西瓜田中施用后,在土壤中的消解半衰期为17.6d;

    The results indicated that the half-life is 17.6d in soil and 1.9d in whole watermelons in Guiyang , Huaxi China .

  2. 贵阳花溪地区野生蛙类感染曼氏裂头蚴的调查

    Field Investigation of Sparganosis in Frogs in Huaxi Area

  3. 贵阳花溪鱼莲共生模式试验

    A Experiment on the Symbiotic Model of Fish and Lotus in Huaxi , Guiyang

  4. 贵阳花溪区石灰土林地土壤重金属含量特征及其污染评价

    Heavy metal concentrations and pollution assessment of limestone forests in Huaxi district , Guiyang City

  5. 贵阳花溪地区下三叠统大冶组遗迹化石及沉积环境分析

    Trace Fossils and Their Depositional Environments of the Early Triassic Daye Formation in Huaxi Area , Guiyang

  6. 贵阳花溪变电站配网选线保护的研究

    Study of Fault Line Selection Protection in Small Current Grounding Power System of Substation of GUIYANG HUAXI

  7. 贵阳花溪迎宾馆设计在特定的自然环境条件下,因地制宜采取分散式布局,体现山地建筑特色;

    According to circumstances of given natural surroundings , the designer adopts decentralized building arrangement for the Huaxi Guesthouse .

  8. 岩性不均一的灰岩风化壳发育特征&贵阳花溪剖面粒度分布特征的指示

    The evolution feature of weathered crust developed by inhomogeneous limestone bedrock at Huaxi profile in Guiyang city : implication from grain-size distribution

  9. 海拔较低的铜仁地区赖氨酸含量最高,其次是遵义和贵阳花溪。

    The lysine content showed highest in low elevation area ( Tong Ren County ), and Zun Yi the second , Guiyang the third .

  10. 贵阳市花溪区城市形态与建筑风格研究

    Probe into Urban Form and Architecture Style of Huaxi District of Guiyang City

  11. 在贵阳,花溪的一些风和女人将我深深地勾引着。

    In Guiyang , colored brook some winds and the woman deeply deeply areenticing me .

  12. 贵阳市花溪区天然林保护工程效益评价

    The Benefit Evaluation of Natural Forest Protection Project in Hua Xi District of Guiyang City

  13. 贵阳市花溪河大型浮游动物的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Zooplankton in Huaxi River

  14. 贵阳市花溪至青岩一带安尼锡克期地层及岩相特征

    The Features of Anisic Stratigraphy and Lithofacies of the Zone from Huaxi to Qingyan of Guiyang City

  15. 喀斯特地区城乡交错带的旅游开发构想&以贵阳市花溪为例

    Tourism development of the urban-rural fringe in karst area & with a special reference to Huaxi district

  16. 贵阳市花溪区植被景观格局对地形地貌的响应及其独特性研究

    The Response of Landscape Pattern of Vegetation to the Topography and Its Uniqueness in Huaxi District of Guiyang City

  17. 通过土壤测试和水化学分析,研究了贵阳市花溪地区煤锈水和煤锈田的化学性状。

    The chemical properties of paddy soil polluted by coal mine watr were studied by soil test and hydrochemical analysis .

  18. 本文以贵阳市花溪区镇山村为个案,研究民族旅游开发与目的地社区社会阶层分化之间的关系。

    This paper takes Huaxi Village as a case in order to study the relation between national tourist destinations community and social classes .

  19. 天津大学建筑学院与德国柏林工业大学建筑学院合作进行了贵州省贵阳市花溪区石板镇的新农村试点工程的规划设计工作。

    The architectural faculty of Tianjin University Collaborates with Germany Berlin Polytechnic University on experimental planning and design for Guiyang City Huax District New Village project .