
  1. 谨复贵公司本月10日的函询;我们不能提供贵公司特定的那种餐盘的报价。

    Reply to your inquiry of the10th inst. , we are unable to offer you plate of the size you specified .

  2. 亲爱的陈先生:非常感谢贵公司本月20日的来信,我们很高兴与贵公司建立商务关系。

    Dear Mr. Chen , Thanks for your letter of the 28th of this month . We shall be glad to enter into business relations with your company .

  3. 我们非常欢迎贵公司与本公司商谈此事。

    We would mostly welcome your discussion with us on this matter .

  4. 如需详情,请贵客户参照本公司的开户文件和政策。

    For details please refer to your account opening documents and policy .

  5. 我想确认一下贵团在本店停留的安排表。

    I want to make sure your group stays in the shop schedule .

  6. 贵公司对本公司参加招标要求什么担保?

    What guarantee do you require to cover our participation in the tender ?

  7. 贵公司在本周内完成这幢教学大楼的工程。

    You have a contractual obligation to finish the school building this week .

  8. 从我们的记录来看,贵公司是本公司最重要的10大客户之一。

    We see form our records that you were among our top ten customers .

  9. 贵司对本公司的产品如果认识?是否有计划合作?

    Your department product to our company if cognition ? Whether working together according to plan or not ?

  10. A:贵公司在本市很有名,我听到很多对贵公司的好评。

    A : Your company is very reputed in this city . I heard much praise to your company .

  11. 图二:老板:我想请贵公司和本案子相关人员去我们公司美国总部考察一番

    Fig2 . Boss : I wanna invite your involved staff in this case to our HQ in US for a research tour

  12. 除了最好的价格,我们希望贵公司与本公司信息和标志的品牌包。

    In addition to best pricing , we will want your company to brand the package with our Company information and Logo .

  13. 因为贵公司是本市最具高效率、令人敬佩的公司之一,我想为它工作,也能分享它的盛誉。

    Because yours is one of the most effective and respectable companies in our city . I 'd like to work for it and enjoy its high prestige as well .

  14. 贵公司购买本公司产品,如今后发生因本公司所供产品发生专利纠纷,由本公司承担相应法律责任。

    Your firm purchases this company product , after now , because has this company to supply the product to have the patent dispute , undertakes the corresponding legal liability by this company .

  15. 若贵客户发现本公司拥有之任何著作权或其它知识产权遭人侵犯,贵客户应立即通知本公司。

    If you become aware that any copyright or other intellectual property rights owned by us are being , have been or are likely to be infringed , you shall notify us immediately .

  16. 其中最复杂的是一张飞鱼的图片,单单这张照片的印制就需要耗费大量成本,这本书因此成为有史以来最贵的一本书。

    One of the most complex of all was a picture of a flying fish , which alone cost piles of money to reproduce . These costs made the book one of the most expensive ever made .

  17. 这本书太贵了,那本便宜。

    This book is too dear , that one is cheap .

  18. 对于贵公司的衬衣本店特别感兴趣。

    We are particularly interested in your shirt .

  19. 并请贵公司及时将本函传真回本公司。

    Please fax this letter to our company .

  20. 贵客户必须支付本公司不时与贵客户约定之费用。

    You shall pay us all such charges as agreed with you from time to time .

  21. 相信贵公司会对本报价表示满意,并能向我方大量订购。

    We trust that are satisfy with this quotation , you will be able to favour us with your valued order .

  22. 从顾客处得悉,贵公司拟在本市寻找代理,我们特申请担任这项工作,请酌定。

    Hearing from our correspondent that you are looking form an agent in this city , we are pleased to apply for the post .