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  • 网络Jumping over a wall;Wall Jump
  1. 海参和其它高级食材汇聚的“佛跳墙”?

    A crock filled with sea cucumber and other high-priced goodies ?

  2. 你为何不走正门偏要跳墙而出?

    Why do you leave the door and jump over the wall ?

  3. 据称,这道佛跳墙前后共改换过三个菜名。

    It was said that , the seafood and poultry in casserole 's name was changed three times .

  4. 佛跳墙&这是最有名、最经典的一道菜,它起源于清朝,历史悠久。

    Buddha jumping over the wall-the most famous and classical dish , which has a long history since the Qing Dynasty .

  5. 中国名菜佛跳墙在世界上久享盛名。

    The famous Chinese dish " Buddha Jumping Over the Wall " has long enjoyed a good reputation in the world .

  6. 佛跳墙—这是最有名、最经典的一道菜,它起源于清朝,历史悠久。

    Buddha jumping over the wall-the most famous and classical dish , which has a long history since the Qing Dynasty .

  7. 类似于追踪者这样的跳墙偷袭被玩家们用得多么?这种战术感觉如何?

    Did players use a lot of raiding tactics with the new'cliff jump'mechanic , how did it feel to be raided like this , vice versa ?

  8. 此次开卖的“国宴”年夜饭套餐中包括佛跳墙、狮子头和油焖大虾等名菜。

    On the menu of the state-level New Year package meal , there are famous dishes such as Buddha Jumps Over the Wall , Lion 's Head and Braised Prawns .