
  • 网络jump cut;jumper;Jumping cut
  1. 在真正的网状网络(有线或无线)当中,每个节点与网络中的另一个节点相连,包括直接连接和通过中间节点跳接。

    In a true mesh network wired or wireless every node has a connection to every other node in the network , whether directly or via hopping though intermediate nodes .

  2. 想到可能是她,他跳起来接电话。

    Thinking it might be her , he sprang to the telephone .

  3. 电话响了,她连忙跳起来去接。

    The phone rang and she jumped up to answer it .

  4. 当父亲匆忙跳下床去厅里接电话时,一头撞到半掩的门上,第四次碰破了鼻子。今天是万圣节哟!

    When Father jumped out of bed and started into the hall to answer the telephone , he ran into the partly open door , and broke his nose for the fourth time , and today is Halloween !