
  • 网络off-trap
跳坑 [tiào kēng]
  • [jumping pit] 跳高、跳远或撑竿跳等比赛项目所用的着地的地方∶是一个装满锯末或松软砂土的坑,用来缓和着地的冲力

  1. 从人类社会所蕴含的高度智慧出发,改进了几种拟人跳坑策略。

    Several kinds of quasi-sociological off-trap strategies is improved with the intelligence from the human society .

  2. 在搜索的过程中,采取跳坑策略以跳出局部最优解,始终向目标最接近的方向搜索。

    In the search process , Off-trap strategies are used to jump from local optimal solution and guide the search in promising directions .

  3. 给出了跳坑策略以跳出局部最优解并且将搜索引向有希望的方向。

    A jumping strategy is proposed to jump from local optimal solution and guide the search in promising directions .

  4. 并从自然界中气体自扩散现象获得启发,设计出一种全新的密度扩散法拟物跳坑策略。

    And a kind of bran-new density diffusing quasi-physical off-trap strategies is designed by the inspiration from the gas self-diffusion phenomenon in nature .

  5. 构造了新的邻域结构,采用了部分随机跳坑策略,对此问题提出了新的局部搜索算法。

    Using a new neighborhood structure and partly randomized off-trap strategy , a novel local search algorithm for protein structure prediction is proposed .

  6. 算法采用的单机调度和同工件工序调整的跳坑策略能够帮助搜索找到更好的局部极小值。

    " Single machine scheduling " method and another stochastic strategy used for jumping out of entrapments can help search find improved local optima .

  7. 在相似性度量中的特征选择和特征权重计算方面,采用加入了一种跳坑策略的粒子群优化算法计算特征权重。

    On feature selection and calculation of feature weight in measurement of similarity , the feature weight is calculated by the particle swarm optimization algorithm which includes a kind of off-trap strategy .

  8. 然后对建立的三维连续数学模型进行求解。分别对蛋白质初始格局的选取、局部最优格局的计算、跳坑策略这三方面进行了深入研究。

    Then solved the 3D arithmetic model , chiefly discussed three aspects : the selection about initialization of Protein structure , the calculation of the best structure on local position , the jumping strategy .