
tiào bù
  • leapfrog;leafrogging
跳步[tiào bù]
  1. 再次,跳步结合器械技术大抛和接的动作较多,在完成时未能与之配合的完美导致难度完成有所扣分。

    Again , leapfrog instrument technology large movements of tosses and throws , in complete failure to cooperate with the perfect result in the difficulty points .

  2. 跳步排样是高精度级进模CAD中的重要组成部分。

    Layout optimization is an essential point in CAD of high precision progressive punch die .

  3. 卷取机助卷辊AJC跳步时间计算及控制分析

    The AJC Jump Time Calculation and Control Analysis of Coiler Wrapper Roll

  4. GTCR根据节点距sink的跳步数将网络划分成不同的层次,层内没有调度管理者,每个节点独立完成数据接收与转发。

    The GTCR divides the network into different levels by sink jump . The level inside does not include a superintendent and each sensor node independently send and receive data .

  5. 分析了卷取机助卷辊AJC(自动跳步控制)的动作过程、跳步时间计算及跟踪,并就其控制功能特点进行了论述。

    This paper analysises the action process of coil wrapper roll AJC ( automatic jump control ), jump time calculation and track . It also discusses the function characteristic the AJC .

  6. 提出一种基于图论的跳步排样优化算法。

    In this paper an algorithm based on graph theory is presented .

  7. 艺术体操空中转体跳步难度动作探析

    Analysis of Twist in the air and jump step in Artistic Gymnastics

  8. 跳板跳水跨跳步摆动肢体的运动学分析

    A Kinematics Analysis on the Swinging Limbs in the Stride Step of Springboard

  9. 基于图论的高精度级进模跳步排样优化算法

    Step Layout Optimization Algorithm of High Precision Progressive Punch Die Based on Graph Theory

  10. 进退索引选曲跳步选择键

    Ward or backward index skip buttons

  11. 移动自组网中基于多跳步加密签名函数签名的分布式认证

    Secure Distributed Authentication Based on Multi - Hop Signing with Encrypted Signature Functions in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  12. 为提高计算效率和减少存储容量,采取改进了的跳步算法和压缩存储技术等措施。

    Some techniques such as improved skip-step algorithm and condensed memory method are used to improve the efficiency of the algorithm .

  13. 其中,跳步类使用率最高,转体类使用最少,身体难度价值相对较低。

    Among them , the highest jump class usage , twist the least , the physical difficulty of relatively low value . 4 .

  14. 可靠数据传输是无线传感器网络设计和实现中的一个关键问题,它决定了数据包如何经过多跳步路由成功地传输到目的节点,对网络的性能有重要影响。

    As one important problem in wireless sensor networks , reliable data transmission determines how data packets can be delivered to sink successfully through multi-hop routing .

  15. 双人运球问题-通过执行一系列的举措,结束了跳步,用户能够执行双重运球。

    Double Dribble Issue – By performing a sequence of moves that ended in a hop step , the user was able to perform a double dribble .

  16. 并步与滑步、跨步与跨跳步、交叉步运用最多,占各种移动步法的比例分别为35%、29.7%和19.7%。

    Combining , sliding , striding and crossing steps are mostly used . The rates of various moving steps are 35 % , 29.7 % and 19.7 % .

  17. 第二个动作是一个后撤跳步,球员利用内侧脚向防守球员作探步的同时垫步后跳,以制造空间。

    The second move is the Stepback , where the player jabs his inside foot into the defender and follows it up with a hop back to create space .

  18. 同时从源节点到目的反应节点采用最小跳步数机制转发报文,以保证数据收集的实时性。

    Meanwhile it adopts the minimal number of hops to retransmit data packets from the source nodes to the actors , and guarantees the real-time request of data collection .

  19. 采用文献资料调研、录像解析、统计分析等方法,探究我国艺术体操运动员在完成跳步难度动作时与世界优秀运动员之间的差距。

    By using the method of documentary , video and statistical analysis , this paper discusses the different at difficulty of jumps between our gymnasts and world elite gymnasts .

  20. 每个跳步,每个转动,都仿佛出于对生命的喜悦,而就在此时此地即兴编成的&舞蹈对她们真是毫不费力,不论演出还是排练。

    Each flight and whirling movement seemed conceived there and then out of the joy of being & dancing had surely never been a labor to them , either in rehearsal or performance .

  21. 可靠数据传输是解决无线传感器网络设计和实现的关键问题,它决定了数据包传输到目的节点时使用的多跳步路由路径。

    Reliable data transmission is the key problem in the design and application of wireless sensor network , and it determines the multi-hop step route path when the data packets transfer to destination node .

  22. 跳水动作有预备姿势、助跑、踏跳步、起跳、空中动作和入水组成。我笨手笨脚的,不会跳舞。

    A dive consists of the starting position , the run , the hurdle , the take-off , the execution , and the entry , I have get two leave feet I can not dance .

  23. 通过手花、手型、腰姿、崩脚尖、小跳步等局部动作和手臂、脚步、腿型的伸展造型相结合来展现身体形态的曲线之美。

    Type , hand by hand , waist position , collapse and tiptoe , small leapfrog local action arms , feet , legs stretched modelling combination to show the beauty of the curve of the body shape . 3 .

  24. 采用一维分离两相流反应模型以及变步长跳步差分计算格式,模拟了固体推进剂的燃烧转爆轰过程。

    In this paper , the simulation calculation of deflagration to detonation transition ( DDT ) process in solid propellant was carried out by use of one-dimensional separated two-phase reactive flow model and " Leap-Frog " method with variable time steps .

  25. 在簇间,本文提出一种多路径路由协议,该协议根据节点的剩余能量以及路径跳步数在多条路径间分配流量,均衡全网能耗。

    In inter-cluster routing , CREED includes a multipath routing protocol to guarantee reliable data delivery from cluster head to sink . This protocol allocates traffic to multiple paths according to nodes ' residual energy and path hops to balance energy consumption among different paths .

  26. 他跳叁步就跨过了花园。

    He crossed the garden in three leaps .

  27. 我爸爸教我跳两步舞

    My father taught me how to two-step .

  28. 吃到这里的中式乳猪时,我都快要跳太空步了。

    And I was almost ready to moonwalk when I tasted the restaurant 's Chinese-style suckling pig .

  29. 在角落里跳拂步时,后续的侧行追步向哪个方向移动?

    In which direction will the following Chasse from PP move when the Whisk is danced at a corner ?

  30. 刚刚回到三个步骤,到哪出错重写你计划和跳四步回。

    Just go back to step three , figure out where it went wrong , rewrite your plan and jump back on step four .