
  • 网络center of gravity line
  1. 此外,论文还首次提出了以重心线变化来分析研究河床演变规律的理论、结合GPS实时定位功能加强长江采砂监管等。

    In addition , In the thesis , with barycenter line change to analyse and research the theory of bed development rule , combine GPS real-time location capability to strengthen the Yangtse River pick sand to put forward for the first time .

  2. 曲线梁预应力钢筋重心线的保压力线变换

    Transformation of center of gravity of steel preserving pressure line in plane-curved Prestressed Girder Bridges

  3. 重心线调节法可应用于高负荷叶片设计。

    Gravity center modification method can be used in high-load rotor blade design in engineering .

  4. 高负荷风扇叶片重心线调节对叶片强度和气动性能的影响分析

    Influence of Gravity Center Modification on Structural Strength and Aerodynamic Performance of Blade in High-load Fan Blade Design

  5. 曲线梁桥预应力钢筋合力重心线计算方法

    A Method of Calculating the Center Line of Gravity of Prestressing Force of Steel in Plane Curved Girder Bridges

  6. 有些人建议,着地时你的脚应该在你的重心线的末端,也就是头臀脚三点成一线。

    Some people have suggested that your foot should be under the center of gravity of your body when it strikes the ground .

  7. 基于梯度重心法的线结构光中心亚像素提取方法

    Method of Linear Structured Light Sub-pixel Center Position Extracting Based on Gradient Barycenter

  8. 论情报工作的重心前移棉纱线前处理工艺的改进

    On the forward Shift of the Focus of Information Activities Improvement on cotton yarn pretreatment

  9. 也许你会说,由于存在重心,垂直线。

    Or you might say this situation , mP because now we have the center of mass , mP , vertical line .

  10. 农村低保预算管理改革重心是提高贫困线水平及保障水平。

    The focus of reforming rural low budget management is to increase poverty line and the level of protection .

  11. 它是一台链式线迹缝纫机,纽洞的大小可以根据需要调节。椭圆封头的重心及剖切迹线形状的计算

    It is often a chain stitch machine and the size of the buttonhole can be altered to suit with requirements . Calculation of Gravity Centre and Section Trace Line Shape of Elliptical Head