
  1. 是现代人以视觉感官3D立体世界、以视觉感官三维立体未来。

    Will be the modern people by the visual sense organ3D three-dimensional world , by the visual sense organ three Uygur three-dimensional future .

  2. 放眼望去,整个海底活像是一幅立体的世界地图。

    Looking ahead , like the whole seabed is a three-dimensional map of the world .

  3. 图像立体化再现客观世界,一直是众多科学家和艺术家追求的目标。

    Reproducing the objective world by three-dimensional image have always been the goal of many scientists and artists .

  4. 同时沿着心理时间的轨迹,心理空间又为我们展现了三维、立体的现代主义世界,具有强烈的空间感。

    In the meantime , tracing the psychological time , psychological space exposes to us a modernist world that is stereoscopic and three-dimensional , with a strong sense of space .

  5. 这些由专业立体画家描绘出的街头立体画,给游人们带来奇妙的错觉效果,恍惚置身一个立体世界。

    These stereographs on street grounds drawn by professional stereographers stroke the tourists with illusion effects as if they were surrounded in a stereoscopic world .