
  • 网络The vast universe;END
  1. 你将在VO的浩瀚宇宙中飞行,周围都是其他玩家。

    You are flying through the vast universe of VO , and the players around you .

  2. 搜寻地外文明计划(Seti)的支持者说,我们应该启动搜寻地外文明计划,发出讯息,而不仅仅是接收,希望能够在浩瀚宇宙中找到其他智慧生命。

    Proponents of Seti ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) have said we should consider Active Seti - sending out messages , rather than just listening , in the hope someone is out there .

  3. 我们真该好好爱护浩瀚宇宙中这唯一的家园。

    We should cherish our unique homestead in the immensity universe .

  4. 要理解浩瀚宇宙的概念是很难的。

    It is difficult to understand the concept of endless space .

  5. 我们已发现了世界无数奇妙的事物,但仍然只是浩瀚宇宙之点滴。

    We have discovered so much about the world , but still so little .

  6. 浩瀚宇宙中变幻莫测的异象

    A capricious anomaly in the sea of space

  7. 在浩瀚宇宙的银河系中,生存着九大行星。

    Nine planets are living in the galaxy .

  8. 许多人曾经仰望天空并且怀疑:“浩瀚宇宙中我们是孤单的吗?”

    Ever look at the sky and wonder " Are we alone in the universe ?"

  9. 猪笼草恐怕是整个浩瀚宇宙中最神秘的植物了。

    The pitcher plant is probably the most mysterious plant in the whole wide universe .

  10. 天文学所必须研究的是浩瀚宇宙中的最大星体;

    Astronomy has to deal with the largest bodies and the greatest of the universe ;

  11. 记忆之术就其基本面来说,是认识浩瀚宇宙的一套工具。

    The Art of Memory is basically a system to comprehend the Universe in its innumerable aspects .

  12. 今夜,我的灵魂迷失在一棵独立在浩瀚宇宙私语中的树的无言的心中。

    My soul to-night loses itself in the silent heart of a tree standing alone among the whispers of immensity .

  13. 答:天文学是研究天体和浩瀚宇宙的一门科学,是自然科学基础学科之一。

    Answer : astronomy is a science that studies celestial body and vast universe , it is one of Science Foundation course .

  14. 自古至今,人类对自身的全面发展在不断探索中,全人教育是浩瀚宇宙中人类寻找自我的沧海一粟。

    From ancient time , human is pursuing their all-round development , and " Holistic Education " is a drop in the universe of human find yourself .

  15. 我现在已经擦干了眼泪,又可以心平气和地说下去了。浩瀚宇宙中哪里是我的家?我再一次擦干自己的眼泪。

    I have wiped tears away now , and can go on again properly . Where is home on the milky way of stars ? I dry my eyes again .

  16. 浩瀚的宇宙,我们一样展翅飞翔。

    The vast universe , we as wings .

  17. 这是个简单的想法,如同向浩瀚的宇宙扔一只瓶子。

    It 's a simple idea , akin to tossing a bottle into the cosmic ocean .

  18. 殊不知,在这浩瀚的宇宙之中,有一段时间基本上是空无一物的。

    They don 't know that in some time , there actually has nothing in the universe .

  19. 同时明白,你也拥有无法想象的潜能和无与伦比的重要性,但在整个浩瀚的宇宙中,又显得那么的微不足道。

    both your unimaginable and fantastic importance and your complete unimportance in the larger context of the universe .

  20. 人类在不懈地对浩瀚的宇宙进行着探索,而强劲的推力是人类探索宇宙的关键。

    The vast space is explored continuously by human being , and the strong thrust is of great importance .

  21. 同无限浩瀚的宇宙相比,我们的太阳系是沧海一粟。

    Our Solar System is a drop in the ocean when compared to the infinite expanse of the universe .

  22. 浩瀚的宇宙中漂浮着数千亿个星系,我们甚至无法想象这些数字的含义。

    Billions and billions of galaxies , the universe is so vast , we can 't even imagine what those numbers mean .

  23. 不仅仅只有几个世纪,而是持续了数十亿年;也不仅仅是地球上,甚至是在整个浩瀚的宇宙中。

    not just for centuries but for billions of years , and not just on earth but throughout much of this amazing cosmos .

  24. 在浩瀚的宇宙中,看着这片小小的叶子,当一首流行歌在我耳边响起,一丝忧郁轻轻掠过我的心灵。

    Viewing this tiny leaf from the boundless nature , a little melancholy swept past my heart as soon as a popular song slipped into my mind .

  25. 在我们看来,人类集体当前就像一个浩瀚的宇宙之蛇正在蜕去它的旧皮,翻腾并扭动着,正在脱去旧的累赘。

    The human collective , from our perspective , is currently like an immense cosmic serpent shedding its old skin , writhing and twisting , scraping off old encumbrances .

  26. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  27. 亿亿万的星系,浩瀚无际的宇宙!

    Billions and billions of galaxies , the universe is so vast .

  28. 愿浩瀚无边的宇宙中,苦难地狱里的种种一切有情,都能离苦而得到极乐世界的喜乐!

    As many hells as there are in the worlds , may beings in them delight in the joys of contentment in Pure Land .