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hào hàn
  • vast;immensity;very great
浩瀚 [hào hàn]
  • (1) [very great]∶水势广大的样子

  • 浩瀚大海

  • (2) [vast]∶广阔的

  • 浩瀚的沙漠

  • (3) ;大量的

  • 典籍浩瀚

浩瀚[hào hàn]
  1. 太平洋是一片浩瀚的水域。

    The Pacific Ocean is a vast expanse of water .

  2. 浩瀚的东海里,有一只大鳌,它头顶着蓬莱仙山,在大海中浮游,有时飞腾跃上云霄,有时下潜沉人海底。

    In the vast East China Sea , there was a huge turtle . It carried the Penglai Fairy Mountain on its head , floated and swam in the great sea , sometimes soaring into the sky and sometimes diving to the bottom of the sea .

  3. 浩瀚无垠的天空上繁星闪烁。

    Stars are twinkling in the boundless sky .

  4. 从非常现实的意义上说,光污染让我们看不到我们自身在宇宙中所处的实际位置,忘记我们人类在浩瀚的银河当中是多么地渺小。而银河只是我们头顶上方银河系中微不足道的一部分。

    In a very real sense light pollution causes us to lose sight of our true place in the universe , to forget the scale of our being , which is best measured against the dimensions of a deep night with the Milky Way — the edge of our galaxy arching overhead .

  5. 黛色的兰岭山,那是我居住的地方,她象风姿绰约的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下

    Mountains in which I dwell , great-hipped , bigbreasted , slumber on the western sky .

  6. 宇宙的浩瀚无垠

    the immensity of the universe

  7. 黛色的兰岭山,那是我居住的地方,它象臀丰乳高的女郎,依然安睡在浩瀚的天幕之下

    The dark Blue Ridge Mountains in which I dwell , great-hipped , big-breasted , slumber on the western sky .

  8. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  9. 面对浩瀚的DNA序列数据,用计算机实现高精度的基因组序列标注,是生物信息学核心问题之一。

    A kernel task of bioinformatics is to annotate the immensurable sequenced DNA sequences with high quality by computer .

  10. 随着网络技术的日益成熟,Web的飞速发展使其成为了一个浩瀚而复杂的巨大数据源。

    With the growing maturity of network technology , the rapid development of Web makes itself is becoming a huge and heterogeneous data repository .

  11. 随着Web信息的爆炸性增长,如何快速、准确地从浩瀚的信息资源中寻找到所需信息已经成为困扰人们的一大难题。

    With the explosion of Web information , how to immediately and exactly find the needed information for each user has become a tough problem .

  12. 随着Internet的迅速发展,如何在浩瀚的网络信息资源中查询自己想要的信息变得越来越重要。

    With the swift development of Internet , how to find useful information rapidly in such a large-scaled Internet is becoming more and more important .

  13. 作为从浩瀚的Web信息资源中发现潜在的、有价值知识的有效技术,Web文本挖掘已倍受关注。

    As an effective technology to find potential , valuable knowledge from Web information resources , Web text mining has already been paid close attention to .

  14. Atinyspeckwithinthemassiveexpanseoftheentireworld.在苍茫浩瀚的世界上,这是个不起眼的小不点儿。

    He 's only a tiny speck within the massive expanse of the entire world .

  15. Internet的迅速发展带来了一个新的问题,如何有效、迅速地从浩瀚的Web网页中找到所需要的信息。

    The rapid development of the Internet brings a new problem , which is how to rapidly and effectively retrieve needed information from vast number of web pages .

  16. 因此,为使人们能够有效地从浩瀚的信息海洋中获取有用的信息,各种Internet信息检索服务应运而生。

    Therefore , to enable people to obtain useful information effectively from the massive amount of information , a variety of Internet information retrieval services came into being .

  17. 基因组序列标注算法是研制基因组序列标注软件、进而对浩瀚的已测序DNA序列数据进行基因组标注的前提和基础。

    The algorithms for DNA sequence annotation are the precondition and foundation to develop the DNA sequence auto annotation software and then accomplish the annotation task .

  18. Web站点、内容都以指数级别增长,用户如何在浩瀚的信息中选择感兴趣的内容变得十分困难。

    The quantity of Web site and content is increasing at an exponential rate , and it is hard for users to choose what they intend to find from the vast information .

  19. 互联网上的信息每天都以指数量级的速度爆炸性增长,面对如此浩瀚的资源,从web中的大量信息中准确并且有效的提取用户所需要的信息成为了Internet的用户的迫切需要。

    With the indexically explosive increase of the information from Internet , it is essential for the Internet users to extract neccessary information effectively and accurately from the vast amount of information from web .

  20. 你将在VO的浩瀚宇宙中飞行,周围都是其他玩家。

    You are flying through the vast universe of VO , and the players around you .

  21. 随着数字电视的普及和VOD系统的发展,人们可以通过有线电视网络在浩瀚的影视海洋里漫游。

    With the popular of Digital Television and the development of VOD System , people can ramble through the immense video ocean of cable TV network .

  22. Diderot精神的浩瀚,想象的活跃,心灵的勤奋就是天才。

    Vast mind , active imagination and diligent spirit , that is genius .

  23. PW帮助个人从浩瀚的网络信息资源中迅速、方便地拿到他确实有用的读物;

    PW will help individual capture reading materials that are assuredly useful to him rapidly and conveniently from vast network information resources .

  24. CT心脏图像检索是医学CT图像检索的重要组成部分,如何在浩瀚的医学图像数据库中检索出心脏图像是医学影像辅助心脏疾病诊断要解决的重要问题。

    CT Heart Image Retrieval is an important part of CT Image Retrieval . How to retrieve a heart image from a heart image database which contains a large number of CT images is a key problem of the assistant diagnose of heart disease using medical image .

  25. 搜寻地外文明计划(Seti)的支持者说,我们应该启动搜寻地外文明计划,发出讯息,而不仅仅是接收,希望能够在浩瀚宇宙中找到其他智慧生命。

    Proponents of Seti ( Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence ) have said we should consider Active Seti - sending out messages , rather than just listening , in the hope someone is out there .

  26. 我国西部地区的地方文献资源丰富而浩瀚,并有着浓郁的西部特色。

    There are rich resources of local documents in Western China .

  27. 在浩瀚幽黑的风暴中起航。

    I 'll sail on the flood of the tempest dark .

  28. 长江的前头就是蔚蓝浩瀚的大海!

    The Yangtze River is heading for the vast azure sea .

  29. 我们真该好好爱护浩瀚宇宙中这唯一的家园。

    We should cherish our unique homestead in the immensity universe .

  30. 世界对着它的爱人,把它浩瀚的面具揭了下来。

    The world puts off its mask of to its lover .