
ɡǔ shí
  • ancient times;antiquity
古时 [gǔ shí]
  • [in ancient times] 过去了的时代,系指古代

  1. 这座雕像是古时运到罗马的。

    The statue was brought to Rome in antiquity .

  2. 该镇在古时以其白色公牛闻名。

    The town was famous in antiquity for its white bulls .

  3. 古时可能很少对狗或猫进行阉割。

    In the ancient world , it was probably rare to castrate a dog or cat .

  4. 铁锤是长方形的,像古时的钟锤。

    The knocker is oblong in shape , and of the kind our ancestors called " jaquemart " .

  5. 还有一些彩灯延袭了古时各朝各代宫灯的样式

    Some lanterns are patterned after palace style lamps of bygone dynasties .

  6. 拥有沙漏身材的女性有着丰满的胸部和圆润的臀部,与纤细的腰部形成鲜明的对比,这种身材的轮廓因为酷似古时的沙漏而得名。

    Women with this type of figure have wide hips that resembles an old-fashioned hourglass .

  7. n.两轮马车古时四轮马车常用于打仗,赛马和行进。

    chariot Chariots were used in ancient times for fighting , racing , and in processions .

  8. v.侵袭古时,英国海岸常受北欧海盗的侵袭。

    harass In olden times the coasts of England were frequently harassed by the Vikings .

  9. 如今,这三大帝国被作为超国家体系的多国社团所取代,换言之,从古时起WTO的性质没有任何改变。

    Now instead of the Empires we have the Multinational Corporations a kind of Supranational system that rules the WTO , in other word nothing changed from the ancient age .

  10. 他总是斥责人们“jad”,印度话里的“怠惰”。他把古时的纪律概念带到年轻、倔强的西方信徒生活中,命令他们不要再用为所欲为的嬉皮举动,浪费自己(和其他人)的时间与精力。

    He was always scolding people for being jad , the Hindi word for " inert . " He brought ancient concepts of discipline to the lives of his often rebellious young Western followers , commanding them to stop wasting their own ( and everyone else 's ) time and energy with their freewheeling hippie nonsense .

  11. 又传来了海难的消息,就像古时一样。

    A wreck is announced - as in the old time .

  12. 中古时的入声字在现在给的方言中呈现了不同的状态。

    In ancient entering characters rendered in dialect to different states .

  13. 古时的琐罗亚斯德教徒曾将月经视作与恶神阿里曼相关的不洁之物。

    The ancient Zoroastrians associated menstruation with the evil god Ahriman .

  14. 世族是中古时期据有统治地位的社会阶层。

    The clan was a class with dominant position in Middle Ages .

  15. 古时有各种各样关于多马的文学作品。

    There are all kinds of Thomas literature from the ancient world .

  16. 古时,英国海岸常受北欧海盗的侵扰。

    In olden times the coasts of England were harassedby the vikings .

  17. 向古时要问何者是最良好的;

    Of the ancient time , what is best ;

  18. 我追想古时之日,上古之年。

    I thought about the former days , the years of long ago ;

  19. 这座雕像是古时运来罗马的。

    The statue was broughe to Rome in antiquity .

  20. 远洋轮船一种古时在地中海内靠桨推进的远洋轮船。

    An ancient Mediterranean seagoing vessel propelled by oars .

  21. 穿着古时服装高声叫卖传统货品的小贩。

    Peddlers in historical costumes loudly selling traditional goods .

  22. review:复审pristine:原始的,古时的,原来的,质朴的我看了一下你的档案,很干净。

    I reviewed your record . It 's pristine .

  23. 古时的耶利哥不是一个大城市。

    Ancient Jericho was not a large city .

  24. 叫我好找古时,有个人记性极差。

    Once upon a time , there was a man who always forgot things .

  25. 有些古时的法律现在仍然有效。

    Some ancient laws are still in effect .

  26. 求你让他们在巴和基列得著牧养,像古时一样。

    Let them feed in Bashan and Gilead As in the days of old .

  27. 耶和华如此说,你们不要记念从前的事,也不要思想古时的事。

    Remember ye not the former things , neither consider the things of old .

  28. 古时人们认为天圆地方。

    Ancient people believed that the sky was round and the earth is square .

  29. 相传古时有一猎人曾在此山顶牧虎而故名。

    Said to have an ancient hunters in the Peak grazing tiger and blue .

  30. 结构紧凑,华丽,形如古时的天井而得此名。

    Design , compact structure , luxuriant shaped like patio and the old name .