
  • 网络sight distance
  1. 高速公路行车视距的理论求解

    Theoretical Solving of Driving Sight Distance on Freeway

  2. 就高速公路行车视距的理论求解问题进行详细的分析。

    The paper minutely analyses the theoretical solvings of driving sight distance on freeway .

  3. 受山区公路弯道景观影响的行车视距估算模型

    Sight distance estimation model affected by road landscape of crooked highway in mountain area

  4. 特别是在行车视距不足以及路面附着系数降低的情况下,容易导致连环追尾特大交通事故的发生。

    Especially in the condition of lack of sight distance and road adhesion coefficient reduced , rear-end chain accident happen easily .

  5. 提出了交叉口安全保障的一般措施,并具体介绍了明确路权、降低车辆行驶速度和增加交叉口行车视距的方法。

    In general , safety of at-grade intersections would be improved by making clear the road right , reducing driving speed and providing enough visual distance .

  6. 公路两侧建筑红线控制区宽度主要由行车视距(即安全视距)与道路弯度确定。

    The width of red line controlling zone of buildings at both sides of highway is mainly determined by the driving visibility and the road curve .