
biàn yī
  • plain clothes;civilian clothes;plainclothesman
便衣 [biàn yī]
  • (1) [plain clothes]∶一般人的衣服

  • (2) [plainclothesman]∶不穿制服执行任务的军人、警察

便衣[biàn yī]
  1. 他们跟英国国家特工机构MI5密切合作,并在人群中安排了便衣警察。

    They 're working closely with Britain 's domestic spy agency MI-5 and are also placing officers in civilian clothes among these crowds .

  2. 我是一个探长,唯一的便衣。

    I am a chief inspector , only in civilian clothes .

  3. 你一眼就可以认出便衣警察。

    You can spot undercover cops a mile off .

  4. 3名便衣警察让我下车。

    Three officers in plain clothes told me to get out of the car .

  5. 他穿过海关大厅时被便衣侦探逮捕。

    He was arrested by plain-clothes detectives as he walked through the customs hall .

  6. 这个广场上布满了便衣警察。

    The plaza is teeming with undercover policemen .

  7. 警方称他们在这起命案发生之后加强了巡逻,增派了更多便衣警察上街,并在巴拉萨特政府学院(BarasatGovernmentCollege)对面新设了一家女子警局。

    After the killing , police say , they intensified patrols , put more plainclothes officers on the street and opened a new women 's police station across from the Barasat Government College .

  8. 但是没想到两人中的一个竟是便衣警察。这就惹上麻烦了,结果Bob想害人不成,自己反倒被这警察送进了监狱。

    But he shot himself in the foot ; one of the two was an undercover cop who sent him to jail .

  9. 很明显,当时是由克格勃kgb的便衣特务在控管,甚至连警署情况也是如此,逮捕行动和接下来审讯类似,都是他们编排的。

    KGB officers in plain clothes were clearly in charge even at the police station , and the arrest itself was as choreographed as the trial to come .

  10. FIFA高层聚集在环境优雅且能看到阿尔卑斯山和苏黎世湖的五星级酒店BaurauLac召开年会时,十多名瑞士便衣执法人员也出其不意地抵达酒店。

    As leaders of FIFA gathered for their annual meeting , more than a dozen plainclothes Swiss law enforcement officials arrived unannounced at the Baur au Lac hotel , an elegant five-star property with views of the Alps and Lake Zurich .

  11. 今天律师告诉Malaysiakini下次,你是没有有义务回答他们的问题或者随着他们的次序到来你被声称他们是便衣的警察的人停止。

    The next time you are stopped by persons who claimed they are plainclothes police , you are under no obligation to answer their questions or follow their orders , lawyers told Malaysiakini today .

  12. 实施便衣侦查,应以情报信息研判为前提。

    The information study should be the precondition for plainclothes detection .

  13. 他们已经派了一个便衣侦探跟踪他。

    They were already having him shadowed by a plain-clothes detective .

  14. 几个便衣在街拐角处等待着。

    Several plainclothes men were waiting about round the street corner .

  15. 但是队长没说要便衣。

    But the captain didn 't say anything about going undercover .

  16. 利贝尔命令一名便衣警探去检查旅馆。

    Lebel ordered a plain-clothes detective to check into the hotel .

  17. 一组便衣警察进入住宅。

    A group of plainclothes police went into the house .

  18. 我派了便衣和巡警搜查这个社区。

    I got Unis and plain clothes combing the neighborhood .

  19. 我们会有便衣警官时刻守护着你。

    We 'll have undercover officers watching all the time .

  20. 人群中有穿着便衣的警察。

    There were policemen in plain clothes in the crowd .

  21. 他杀害的是你们的便衣警察,而不是其他人。

    He killed your undercover officer but not the others .

  22. 这人是个卧底或者便衣警察。

    The guy 's an informer , an undercover cop or something .

  23. 我们的便衣特工已经控制了大楼的出口。

    We 've got agents in plainclothes covering the exits to the building .

  24. 一名便衣警察在厕所里蹲点。

    An undercover officer was stationed in a cubicle .

  25. 突然间很多便衣警察出现了,这些强盗开始逃跑了。

    Suddenly , many plain policemen emerged and those robbers started to flee .

  26. 没有,万博会有便衣警察把强盗抓到了。

    HUSSEIN : No. Some undercover policemen at the Fair caught the thieves .

  27. 那个难以安排的瑞士人到来的时候将穿上便衣。

    The nondescript Swiss , on arrival , was to have plain clothes .

  28. 在此同时,其余的便衣警员也到达了现场。

    Meanwhile , the other non-uniformed policemen arrived .

  29. 一个穿便衣的警察站在我后面十几步远的地方,监视着我。

    A policeman with plain clothes stood a dozen paces behind me watching me .

  30. 甚至还有便衣警察在与那些学生漂流的时候趁机与其接触并展开调查。

    An undercover cop apparently even went with students on a white-water rafting trip .