
  • 网络Convenience principle;principle of convenience
  1. 根据实验结果结合工作便利原则,取收集细胞前8小时作为实验时3H-TdR掺入时间。

    The author adopted the time of 8h before gathering cells as 3H-TdR incorporating time basing on the experiment results and work advantage principle .

  2. 便利原则。并结合集合与区间的概念对组距进行了新的解释,给出了计算组距的新公式。

    Explain to group interval combining the concept of set and interval , to produce new formula of computation group interval .

  3. 在零售业的发展中存在着便利原则,人们对便利的偏好决定了便利店的产生与发展。

    There is a principle called " convenience principle " in the development of retailing . People 's partiality for convenience gives rise and develops the convenience store .

  4. 国际民事管辖权协调的基本原则主要包括合意管辖原则、有效原则、便利原则和先受理法院管辖原则。

    The principle of coordination of International civil jurisdictions includes principle of jurisdiction by agreement , effective principle , efficient principle , principle of court received the case first .

  5. 特区政府将于二零零二年积极推动执行贸易便利化原则,让商界直接受惠,取得具体的利益。

    The HKSAR will actively follow up the implementation of the principles in2002 with a view to delivering direct and concrete benefits to the business community .

  6. 结果总结出应遵循服务至上、效用性及便利性三原则。

    Results We should obey three principles & service better , usefulness and convenient .

  7. 这些突破的价值体现在四个几方面:符合交易便利和交易经济原则,体现了促进交易的现代合同法理念;

    The values of breakthrough lie in four aspects : firstly , they conform to the principle of convenient and economic deal and demonstrate the modern contract concept of promoting business ;