
  • 网络infrared detector;IRDS
  1. 雷达与红外探测设备组网中航迹滤波算法研究

    Study on Track Filtering for Netted Radar and Infrared Detector

  2. 并对红外探测设备进行了模态分析[5],获得设备固有频率及振型,考核系统的动态刚度。

    Modal analysis of the infrared detection equipment has done to obtain the natural frequencies and mode shapes and get the dynamic stiffness of the system .

  3. NASA的广谱红外调查探测设备已经第二次用红外线扫描出这颗星球的全部大气层,

    NASA 's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer has scanned the entire sky in infrared light , twice ,

  4. NASA的广谱红外调查探测设备已经第二次用红外线扫描出这颗星球的全部大气层,排除了任何可能比土星大,距离地球到太阳一万倍的任何隐藏物体。

    NASA 's Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer has scanned the entire sky in infrared light - twice - and ruled out any hidden bodies larger than Saturn out to 10000 times the distance from the Earth to the sun .

  5. 红外光电探测设备作用距离的大小除与设备本身的性能有关外,还制约于环境温度、相对湿度、能见度距离以及目标特性等诸多因素的影响。

    The effective ranging of IR photodetection equipments , in addition to the relation with the performance of the equipment itself , is restricted by ambient temperature , relative humidity , visibility ratio and target characteristics etc.

  6. 红外检测通过探测设备表面的红外辐射信号获得设备的热状态特征,从而对设备有无故障、故障属性、存在位置和严重程度进行判别。

    Infrared detection by infrared radiation detection equipment surface thermal state of the signal characteristics received equipment to malfunction of equipment availability , fault properties , there is the location and severity of discrimination .

  7. 这可通过改进结构设计和应用红外物理原理来衰减、吸收目标的红外辐射能量,使红外探测设备难以探测到目标。

    It can reduce and absorb the IR radiation energy of the object by improving structure design and applying the principle of IR physics , thus it 's difficult for IR detection devices to detect the object .

  8. 红外目标模拟器能够模拟真实目标和背景的红外热像,为红外探测设备性能的测试和评估提供精确可控、可重复的试验条件,在红外探测设备的研制阶段,全面测试其各项性能和指标。

    Infrared target simulator can simulate the real target and background infrared imaging in the laboratory , offer the exactly controlled and repeated condition for the testing and evaluation to the performance of the infrared detection equipments , testing each performance index during the development phase .