
  1. 结果表明:金属试件在加载过程中所产生的红外热效应总体上比煤(岩)所产生的红外热效应明显,金属试件断裂前,在其未来断裂面形成的位置会出现高温前兆。

    The result shows that the infrared thermal effect from metal specimens on load is totally more obvious than that from coal or rock . Before rupture of metal specimens , in the future rupture position emerges an omen of high temperature .

  2. 对水稻等农产物料,红外光谱热效应区域一般在2.5μm~25μm,对低于2.5μm的辐射,吸收率较低。

    The thermal region of infrared spectral of agricultural material like paddy is between 2.5 m and 25 m.

  3. 本文从两个方面分析了红外光学系统的热效应。

    This paper studies on the thermal effect from two aspects .

  4. 引入了一个分析红外光学薄膜热应变效应的模型,并针对具体情况,对模型作了必要的改进。

    A model to analyze the effect of thermal strain in the infrared optical films was introduced . When apply it to specific case , a necessary improvement has made on it .