
  • 网络Hidden World;The Secret World;Psytopic
  1. 漫威官网宣布,《奇异博士》电影将会讲述神经外科医生StephenStrange,他在经历过一场可怕的车祸后发,发现了一个魔法隐秘世界。

    According to the Marvel website , the Doctor Strange movie will tell the story of neurosurgeon Doctor Stephen Strange who , after a horrific car accident , discovers the hidden world of magic and alternate dimensions .

  2. 这些隐秘世界大多不为世人所知

    Much of this hidden world has never been seen by human eyes .

  3. 他无意于抒写时代的阵痛,关注着心灵的隐秘世界,体会着恋爱带来的爱与恨的人性冲突。

    He has no intention in expressing in writing the labor pain , but paying attention to the secret world , realizing conflict of love with hate in the human nature when they are in love .

  4. 这位32岁的演员为《驯龙高手3:隐秘的世界》的埃雷特配音。

    The 32-year-old voices the dastardly Eret in How to Train Your Dragon : The Hidden World .

  5. 我不是从文字学去探究这个东西,我着迷的是她们之间这种神秘的交流所构成的一个隐秘的世界。

    The character was created by them and was known by them . I didn 't study from the literature . I crazy about the secret world was composed through their communication .

  6. 对于一个在隐秘的间谍世界成长起来的人,弗拉基米尔普京(vladimirputin)证明自己是一名相当出色的政治表演家。

    For a man who spent his formative years in the murky world of espionage , Vladimir Putin has proved quite a political showman .

  7. 然而有关这个神奇隐秘的东方世界的传言却不胫而走传至西方

    But then news reached the West of a mysterious , hidden world of the orient .

  8. 它从女性自身经历、体验出发,对女性丰富复杂、晦暗隐秘的内心世界给予了生动逼真的展示;

    Starting from personal experiences and feelings , these novels have shown vivid and truthful reflections of the rich , complex , and secret inner world of women .

  9. 后80首宫词着眼于宫廷妇女的集体形象,将其生活百态与幽微隐秘的内心世界予以全真全景式展现,有清新情藐之妙。

    The former 80 pieces focus on collective image of women lives and their inner world in the palace , with the delightfully fresh emotion and reserved advantage .