
  1. 中国古代山水诗与隐士文化有着天然联系。

    Chinese ancient landscape poetry was in natural connections with hermit culture .

  2. 解读陶渊明田园诗中的中国古代隐士文化

    Explanation on the Ancient Chinese Recluse Culture in the Pastoral Poems of Tao Yuan-ming

  3. 隐士文化是中国传统文化中独具特色的一部分,是一种民族心理型的文化。

    Hermit-culture is a part of Chinese traditional culture , which is national and psychological .

  4. 浓厚的隐士文化特征;

    Thick features of hermit culture ;

  5. 陶渊明与隐士文化

    Tao Yuanming and Hermit Culture

  6. 正是因为发挥了这样的文化功能,隐士文化才延续千年之久。

    Give play to such a cultural function just , recluse culture does not extend long millennium .

  7. 同时也希望译界能引起对隐士文化传递的关注。

    Meanwhile , it hopes that attention will be drawn concerning the transmission of recluse culture in translation .

  8. 古代中国士人崇尚隐逸成为一种非常普遍的心态,形成独特的隐士文化。

    In the ancient times , Chinese scholars advocated hermitage and it became a very popular mentality and formed the distinctive hermit culture .

  9. 虽然国内对隐士文化的研究已经非常透彻和深入,但译界从文化传递的角度来研究的目前为止却鲜有人涉及。

    Although recluse culture has been intensively and deeply studied at home , up till now , little research regarding the transmission of it in translation has been done .

  10. 研究《庄子》中的隐逸思想有助于深刻理解中国隐士文化的根源以及中国知识分子的人格精神。

    Latent ease thought to study " village " is it understand origin and Chinese personality spirit of intellectual of culture , recluse of Chinese , deeply to help .

  11. 隐士文化与道教有个更深层次的相互影响,包括玄学的引入与吸收、服食养生炼丹的普及、纵欲思想与房中术的兴起以及出现了道教信仰的隐逸家族。

    In this period , the recluse culture and Taoism received deeper interaction , which includes the absorption of metaphysics , the popularization of preserving health and alchemy , the rise of fleshiness and art of bed chamber , and the emergence of reclusion family believing in Taoism .

  12. 隐士及其文化现象是中国传统文化重要组成部分,与一定时代的政治、社会和文化形态有密切联系。

    The hermit and hermit-culture are integrated parts of Chinese traditional culture which have close relationships with politics , society and ideology of that dynasty .

  13. 道家正是在汲取了隐士和隐逸文化的思想营养才得以产生、生长起来的。

    Taoism emerged and developed from the nutrition of seclusion culture .

  14. 隐士和隐逸文化初探

    An Inquiry into Hermit and Seclusion Culture

  15. 在这种政治文化背景之下,隐士及隐士文化蓬勃发展,到南朝形成了美隐风尚。

    The particular cultural and political background promotes the development of recluse and recluse culture , which improves the shape-taking of recluse fashion in Southern Dynasty .

  16. 但是,由于中国隐逸文化历史悠久,史料、传说记述颇丰,使得隐士和隐逸文化具有相当的模糊、矛盾和神秘色彩。

    However , because of its long history , there are abundant historical materials and legends about seclusion culture , which makes it seem vague , contradictory and mysterious .

  17. 《三国演义》中摹写的各类隐士使这部英雄史诗式的长篇历史演义小说折射出悠远的隐士文化色彩。

    In Historical Novel of Three Kingdoms , all sorts of hermits make this novel reflect the remote traditional hermit-culture .