
  1. 苗族刺绣文化的现代传承分析

    Analyses on the Inheritance of Miao Nationality Embroidery Culture in Modern Society

  2. 苗族刺绣造型特征现代文明对黔东南苗绣图案的冲击

    Impact of Modern Civilization on Miao Embroidery Pattern in the East of Guizhou

  3. 苗族刺绣发展史探究

    The Developing History of the Embroidery in Miao Minority

  4. 试论苗族刺绣图案中的文化象征蕴意

    On the Cultural Symbolic Implications of Miao Embroidery Patterns

  5. 第四,对苗族刺绣图案的制作工艺与材料进行研究。

    Chapter four , to study the craftsmanship and materials of Miao embroidery pattern .

  6. 第二部分析当代绘画色彩与苗族刺绣色彩语言的关系。

    Part II analysis of contemporary paint colors and the color language of Miao embroidery .

  7. 写意性的图案纹样&苗族刺绣

    Freehand Designed Patterns & Miao Embroider

  8. 在新的形势下,实现功能的转化是苗族刺绣传承的基础条件。

    Given the new history condition , how to transmit and develop such fine tradition as Miao embroidery ?

  9. 苗族刺绣不仅具有审美功能,同时还具有明显的部族徽记属性。

    Embroidery of the Miao nationality not only has aesthetic functions , along with distinct tribal emblems of property .

  10. 虽然苗族刺绣在国内外享有极高的声誉,但它在现代民间生活中衰败的速度却异常惊人。

    Miao nationality embroidery is well-known at home and abroad , but it is declining at an astonishing speed in reality .

  11. 最后,对苗族刺绣图案的保护、传承、开发与利用提出自己的见解。

    Finally , put forward my views about the protection , inheritance , development and utilization of the Miao embroidery pattern .

  12. 随着社会的发展,苗族刺绣艺术逐渐开始衰退,苗族刺绣艺术的发展受到很大影响。

    With the development of society , the Miao embroidery art gradually began to decline , and the development of the Miao embroidery art is very much affected .

  13. 苗族刺绣艺术追求的是真实的表现,追求自由地表现个性,体现人的理想与追求,完全凭着幻想和灵性进行创作。

    Miao embroidery is true manifestations of artistic pursuit , the pursuit of free personality , who embodies the ideals and pursuits , complete with fantasy and spiritual creation .

  14. 第三、四部分是本文的核心章节,第三部分是通过实地去考察与查阅历史资料归纳苗族刺绣色彩语言特征。

    Disan 、 Sibu is the core of this chapter , and the third is through field visits and access to historical data summarized characteristics of Miao nationality embroidery color language .

  15. 针对这种目标,本文共分四章:第一章、主要是论述黔东南苗族刺绣艺术语言的产生背景。

    In response to this goal , this paper is divided into four chapters : Chapter so me primarily addresses the background of Qian dong Nan Miao minority embroidery art language .

  16. 本文主要采用教育人类学的方法,试图通过对苗族刺绣工艺的传承活动进行较深入地分析,从而总结出保护、继承和弘扬像苗族刺绣这样优秀传统文化的有效措施。

    This dissertation adopts anthropological methods to investigate the embroidery tradition of Miao nationality and try to generalize some effective measures by which to protect and popularize such fine embroidery tradition .

  17. 所以本文试图通过苗族刺绣色彩语言在当代绘画创作实践中寻找传承传统文化的新表现方式,创造本民族的当代绘画语言。

    Miao nationality embroidery color language in this article trying to find ways of passing on traditional culture in contemporary painting practice new ways to create contemporary paintings of the native language .

  18. 第五章阐述了话江镇苗族刺绣艺术的传承与保护,从刺绣的商品化与市场化现状、刺绣在国际市场的地位及刺绣的保护性开发与传习方面进行阐释。

    The fifth chapter introduced the embroidery heritage and protection in Xijiang Town , from the perspectives of embroidery commercialization and marketing status , its international position , and its protection and development .

  19. 苗族刺绣中的色彩语言从远古到今天,仍保持着其独特的特征,高纯度的色彩、色彩对比关系及情感的直接表达,具有原始色彩特征。

    Miao embroidery color language from ancient times to today , still maintains its unique characteristics , high purity of color , color contrast and direct expression of emotion , with the original color features .

  20. 在新的历史条件下,苗族刺绣只有立足于现实条件,实现功能转换,才能摆脱被抛弃的局面,从而得以长足发展。

    At new historical situation , only by means of depending on the current conditions and realizing the changes of function , can Miao nationality embroidery get rid of the fate of disappearance and develop still further .

  21. 河池民间传世铜鼓使用的人类学意义对苗族刺绣工艺的研究不能仅了解它的文化内涵,而且还应该寻求使其能在民间中继续延续、存活的方法和措施。

    It is not the single purpose to study Miao embroidery only know its culture meaning , and should still look for to make its can be in the folks continuously method that continue , survive is with the measure .

  22. 以往的关于苗族刺绣工艺的研究,大多只是停留在对刺绣的习俗、图案的文化分析与解释层面上,而没有深入到刺绣工艺的传承活动以及传承过程中实践主体之间的关系。

    Mostly , the former studies about embroidery tradition of Miao nationality only concentrated on the culture explanation of its Custom and Pattern , and did not study the its transmission activity and the relation among practice corpus in transmission process .

  23. 本研究通过采用问卷和访谈的方法,在了解苗族刺绣工艺传承的现状与存在的问题的基础上,追根溯源,对苗族刺绣工艺传承的生态环境、传承理念、传承过程、问题原因等加以分析。

    This dissertation , using questionnaire and interview and resting on the understanding of the status quo and the existing problems , analyzes the history roots , ecological context , transmission process and causes for the existing problems of the Miao embroidery tradition ;

  24. 第三,在前面研究的基础上,对苗族刺绣图案进行审美分析,以达到进一步了解黔东南苗族刺绣图案内涵的目的。

    Chapter three , on the base of previous study of the Miao embroidery pattern , have a further analysis of the aesthetic of Miao embroidery pattern , in order to make us have a better understanding of the connotation of Guizhou Miao embroidery pattern .

  25. 要使苗族刺绣工艺能在民间中继续生存,就必须研究它的传承活动,这可能是以往研究的忽视之处,也可能是本研究对以往研究的一点点补充。

    Wanting to make Miao embroidery crafting can exist in the folks , it must study its transmission activity , this possibility therefore to the place that neglect by the former study , and also may is this study more a little rightly than former research .

  26. 苗族服饰刺绣中的故土及迁徙图案纹样

    Embroidery Patterns of Native Land and Migration on Dress of Miao Minority

  27. 第三部分论述雷山县苗族服饰刺绣发展概况。

    The second part illustrates the development of the Miao embroidery in the Leishan County .

  28. 纤维壁挂色彩绚烂,材料广泛;苗族彩线刺绣技法多变,图案夸张而神秘,这两种艺术语言的结合可以创造出一种即现代又具有强烈民族特色的艺术效果。

    Fiber wall hanging is colorful with material widely found ; Miao color line embroidery techniques is changeful with design exaggerated and mysterious , so with the combination of the two , it can create a modern , strong , ethnic characteristics of artistic effect .

  29. 运用苗族彩线刺绣不同的绣法(平绣,乱针绣,打籽绣,岔针秀)来实现壁挂的各种肌理效果和情感寄托,使壁挂具有强烈的现代感,装饰感。

    Using different colored thread embroider of the miao embroidery , such as flat embroidery , disorderly needle embroidery , playing seed embroidery , the bifurcation needle embroidery , To realize all kinds of skin texture effect and the hanging emotional sustenance , to make hanging impressively contemporary , decorative .

  30. 在民族,白族,布依族和苗族人还善于刺绣。

    Among ethnic groups , Bai , Bouyei and Miao people are also adept at embroidery .